I mean in that these things shouldn’t be connected to the internet in the first place if they could be used to cause a huge accident. It would be like having voting machines connected to the internet , it’s an obvious design flaw.
Would your house have a design flaw if I could cut off your electricity or water supply from outside your house? Does your house have a design flaw if it is in any way susceptible to an external "denial of service" attack?
Is it a design flaw if skyscrapers aren't built so solidly that a fully-fuelled jumbo jet can still take them down?
I mean: Obviously those things should be designed so as to be invulnerable to those sorts of attack!
My point: These things are not DEATH STARS. It's not as though they possessed some obvious design flaw like a 2-meter-wide thermal exhaust port that any farmer from the Outer Rim could bulls-eye.