“President?” Pure unadulterated crap. This evil retromingent poltroon is not a “president;” he’s a liar, plagiarist, alleged rapist, corrupt, evil, demented, senile bastard. That makes him a “president?” Check your diaper Jackass Joe....
Stick your finger in it and lick it “just to make sure”.
I call him “Occupier” and I say that when I write on his Twitter account. There is no way in hell this sc*mbag won legit and we are not allowed to protest this?
Remember the endless riots and protests right after Trump won 2016? It went on for MONTHS, then years. First electors being threatened, then Trump and his family being threatened, even the celebretards issuing threats, even assassination. Remember that CEO saying he was going to take out Trump with a sniper rifle?
None of them arrested. Then anyone even remotely connected to Trump being threatened not to mention harassed relentlessly by the Russia collusion hoax. And a FOUR hour protest on Jan. 6th is treated worse than 911.