Looks more and moe like Venezuela. Can’t wait until the elections. Cancelled or corrupted?
I’m not expecting any relief at the ballot box.
More Zuckerberg money
Cancelled or corrupted? I don’t know.
The craps going to hit the fan in November.
I expect at least one major event a week. The dems have no Presidential candidate, no viable Senate or House candidates, the red tide is swelling to tsunami size, major players are under the public microscope, fraud is no longer being hidden, the midterms are increasingly Conservative/Republican with increasingly more dems jumping ship . . .
It's beginning to look a lot like I told you so . . . . . and
They are not going to just give up and roll over.
They have a slew of crazies lined up to perform acts of mayhem and murder to keep focus off of their Satanic evil.
God be with us as we attempt to re-claim the nation You gave us,
In Jesus' name, Amen.
The elections are corrupted to the core MARK MY WORDS they will be stolen AGAIN because there have been NO CONSEQUENCES they have been stealing elections for years in WA. OR. CO. and CA. they have had illegals voting for decades nothing has happened to them, you can tell that they don’t give a damn about how people are hurting, how bad the economy is, how high gas prices are they don’t care BECAUSE they have the STEAL down to a science and our side does NOTHING!! We ARE Venezuela we have gone WAY PAST the point of no return!!
They’ll be corrupted, but I have my doubts that they can cheat enough with Mr 81million polling in the 20% range by November. Wait till we have blackouts over half the country during a heat wave and Biden telling them blackouts are good for the environment! Then there’s $10 a gallon fuel.