We have already SEEN this pope’s true face, I am Catholic and I am disgusted with this pope and his utter social justice worries instead of his worries about the church scandals SPIT!! The parishioners donations paying off the abused SPIT!! Demanding open borders in the US, YET HUGE WALLS all around the Vatican SPIT!! I was raised Catholic but have NEVER been able to get past the abuse of alter boys by priests AND the coverup, this Pope was the final straw for me, I will not be one bit surprised if this Pope over rules this bishop, this Pope is an utter commie!!
What the hell does the editorial board of the SF Examiner know about being loyal to Christ, WHAT A DAMN JOKE!!!
If you have the time, I’d suggest you go back and read the writings of Pope Leo XIII and Pope Pius X (https://www.papalencyclicals.net/). They nailed it with the situation in the Church these days. I recommend Pius X, Pascendi (On the doctrine of the Modernists) as being particularly apt.
Not hopeful myself, but I’m comforted in knowing that the Church survived the Borgias.If She was able to do that, She’ll survive this.
Arrogant a$$holes.
(But then this pop may be persuaded.)
On steroids.
I'm starting to have to listen to more ultra lib sermons at my church. This weekend was about how wonderful our open southern border is.
Time to find another parish.
Then you must be even more livid at the education system in America or the myriad Protestant religions, both of whom report a sexual misconduct rate of 10%. By contrast, only 2.5% of priests were ever accused of molestation over a 50-year time span according to an extensive study by the NYT in 2004. Their victims were overwhelmingly adolescent boys and each priest convicted was found to have molested approximately 3 minors.