Should stiffen the spines of the YES votes.
This was done with the tacit approval of one of the Supreme Court Justices, possibly Sotomayor or possibly even John Roberts (I wouldn’t put it past him). No clerk is going to fall on their sword without having an escape career and promise of a job beforehand. I smell a big black robed Justice Rat, a DemocRat.
“Should stiffen the spines of the YES votes.”
I am sorry but, I must disagree. I think the leak will give the 2-3 squishes on the court reason enough to vote against overturning Rove v Wade.
Roberts is a classic Swamp creature
Kavanaugh is not only a classic swamp creature, but he was also born there.
Barrett is the question. Her bio reads like a classic liberal and I peg her as someone looking to please those in power.
It would be nice to be wrong, but for the past year I have been right too many times to change tracks now.