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To: Monterrosa-24; Pelham

But he hasn’t

The destruction is in the east where the resistance is

And ny the way his publicly proclaimed territorial goals are

Why doesn’t he just smash Kiev etc and at least destroy utilities to make life more inconvenient

He knows it wouldn’t play well

So we prop up what’s left of Zelensky regime while the east is destroyed and Putin parks his threats elsewhere and people die for a fait accompli

I don’t care other than stop prolonging it

Putin can go home tomorrow totally defeated .....fine....not going to happen

My only chagrin is that the neocon globalist tech cabal who stole Trumps landslide and more will he very emboldened

It’sonly a guess

Fairly soon ....Putin gets his goals in the east and maybe more like Odessa and that Tristinia or however u say it

And Ukraine is neutered

Which would leave Zelensky likely short for power

However we are pouring cash in and some generals are advocating USA and nato on the ground west of the Dnieper which I think is nuts

One thing to acknowledge is Donbass is like Missouri 1860-1866 or so

Plenty hatred to go around all sides

It’s not of strategic import in my opinion and should have been avoided

That it’s happened in Ukraine is not a coincidence given it’s piggyback status for the west

93 posted on 04/28/2022 11:35:43 AM PDT by wardaddy (Faulkner never knew Free Republic but he coined its nickname...The Sound and The Fury)
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To: wardaddy

Putin is spread thin because he is bombing Kharkov, Kiev, Lvov, the southeast, the Donbas, and all across the country. His pilots are not accurate. In Lvov, attempts at bombing rail yards fall on civilian housing nearby. The Russian suck at everything except looting. They’ve thrown away so many lives of their young men with their Nazi-like invasion to “denazify” Ukraine. From day one you’ve appeared to be in awe of the Russians and have shown nothing but contempt for Ukrainian bravery. And in spite of all the publicity surrounding Javelin, many kills on Russian vehicles have come from Ukrainians getting close with short range rockets, like AT-4s and similar unguided RPGs. It takes guts to do that and they have taken quite a toll on the invaders.

95 posted on 04/28/2022 11:52:58 AM PDT by Monterrosa-24 (To the barricades !!!)
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