These are the kinds of things that have me contemplating moving to Poland.
On the bright side, most actors are leftists, so, if white liberal actors can’t find jobs anymore... well... I’m sure they’re happy to take one for the Diversity team.
“COMMERCIALS”, and by that I mean TOO MANY COMMERCIALS, are WHY, in large part, I have not had a functioning TV in my house in over 10 years.
Add to COMMERCIALS the fact that out of 500 channels NOT ONE held any interest for me and it was THE END of the TV.
Oh, and Cable ran the price up to $135 bucks! Ridiculous!
At least on my computer I can click commercials off or mute them.
I’ve noticed this over the last year or so. Now there is the “token” white person in commercials/T.V. programs.
Hispanics are roughly 25% + of the U.S. population, blacks around 14%, Asians a bit lower. United States is still around 55% white. It’s not a racial thing, it’s a demographic thing.
So why are these companies producing programs/commercials skewing the correct demographics? Uh huh!
It’s called racism. The very thing these leftists accuse us so called “white supremacist” of, they practice daily.
LOL, then you have China.....can you imagine this ad running in the US with a white guy instead of a Chinese...
As a friend told me..”I remember black and white TV.”
“Now it’s all black.”
Seeing a White couple on TV today is an ‘Hey did you see that!’ moment.
I have also noticed this. Anytime I see a commercial that has no white people in it I assume that whatever product they are trying to sell is not for me so I put it on my list of things not to buy.
Part of it — and I suspect a big part — is a small world problem. Suppose you are doing a commercial. The corporate suits, who are woke worms trying to appease the twitter mobs, have hired DEI consultants, who are busy sleazing their way through every crevice of your company looking for points of leverage. These people are viciously biased, and they’ve been put in places of influence.
The DEI junta dictates that you have to have “diversity” in every commercial. You have two or four people in the typical commercial. How do you get “diversity?” Do the math. You will inevitably end up overrepresenting targeted minorities. 13 percent of the U.S. population is black. Do you think the diversity commissars will let you get away with putting one black person in every tenth commercial? I didn’t think so.
Then there’s geographical and market targeting. If an ad is targeted to a regional market, especially a big city, its demographics will reflect that. The market segmentation is probably even more significant. Who is actually watching broadcast tv on a regular basis, as opposed to cable or streaming content?
But yes, the anti-white bias is real, and it comes from the DEI mafia that thinks “diversity” is a hustle with a one-way ratchet. For them, it’s not about fairness; it’s a tribal power play, and they’ve been hired by people who are afraid of them. If I were running a big corporation, a university, or the federal government, I’d begin by firing the lot and telling them to get real jobs in something other than the racial hate industry.
It’s not just TV advertising
I deal with hundreds of vendors online and you’d think white people are about 10% of the population based on all the pictures for homepages and product advertisements. Ditto for my bank accounts when I log in there. I think if you look at the homepage on UPS and FedEx you’ll get the impression that there are no white people working for FedEx or UPS.
It is so in your face that one is given to wonder if they aren’t deliberately insulting us, not just sucking up to wokeism.
LOL, you want white people in Commercials, you have to watch the Spanish channels.
Just seeing this article reminds me of my dad back in the ‘80s...”I see more blacks on tv than anywhere else in this world!”
So yeah, it’s been going on a while.
I tend to stream a lot of English TV. Blacks are 3% of England’s population, but TV England is more like 30% black. So much so that now Anne Boleyn was black....
“Candace Owens: If a Black woman can play Anne Boleyn, then a white man should play Obama”:
I’ll save anyone the effort of giving salon a hit:
“Owens, as usual, has remarkably missed the point, here, which is that people of color playing white historical figures or famous people isn’t the same thing as white people playing people of color. The former poses a meaningful challenge to white supremacist power structures...”
Yeah, because having a white woman play Anne Boleyn is an act of white supremacy. And, for the most part, 97% non-Black England swallowed and said, “Sure, pity they didn’t cast a black trans in the role....”
The god of diversity shall be worshiped.
I also pay extra for Apps that are commercial-free.
Of more interest to me is that many of these corporate ads on TV are no longer selling a product or service. They’re virtue-signalling how woke and politically correct they are.
So glad someone brought this up because it is nothing but propaganda. In passing conversation I mentioned to a well educated friend that blacks make up only 13% of the population. they could not believe me and I had to show her the data. She was absolutely stunned at the truth. She really did believe that made up 40% of the population. My favorite is the Home Security commercials that ALWAYS depicts a white family in the home and the lurking evil burglar out side, in a hoody, is ALWAYS some white guy. PURE B.S.
Here’s an idea, probably wrong.
Many commercials such as the Liberty Mutual ones depict behavior that leaves me thinking only about how stupid it is. But, perhaps it makes Liberty Mutual stick in our minds.
Perhaps the flood of blacks and black-white mixtures in commercials gives us negative thoughts but yet we remember the sponsors.
However, that doesn’t explain that trend in the programming itself.
Hey, can you all please quiet down!? I’m trying to watch the remake of ‘Annie’. Sheesh.
I think its hilarious. Movies are even worse if anyone has the stomach to watch them. I was recently subjected to a movie with a crew of nappy headed cleaning ladies portraying Hollywood superstar and heiresses in some crapola my house guests were watching. I kept laughing out loud until it was apparent that I wasn’t laughing with them.
Well, I’m tickled that black dads will now be portrayed as the idiot in the family...rather than the white dad.