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To: BroJoeK
No, before the 1856 presidential election there were never "two sides" because there was never an anti-slavery party. All the parties -- Democrats, Federalists, Whigs, "Know Nothings", etc. -- included voters & representatives from the Deep South to the Northeast. For examples, three of four Whig presidents -- Harrison, Tyler & Taylor were Southern born slaveholders. No major party before 1856 expressly opposed slavery. Consider, in 1787, when Thomas Jefferson proposed, and Congress enacted, abolition in the Northwest Territories there was no major Southern opposition. In 1820 Congress again addressed the Territories issue with the Missouri Compromise, about which Virginia Congressman Northern Doughfaces were a major reason there were not "two sides", and another major reason was pro-tariff Andrew Jackson Democrats. Rather there were always multiple allied or conflicting interests.

No, there had long been large sectional differences especially in tariff and trade policy, the size and scope of the federal government, the existence of a central bank, corporate subsidies, etc etc. The Tariff of Abominations and Nullification Crisis happened in the 1820s and 1830s. The letter from Jefferson I cited complaining about Northerners "draining our (ie the South's) substance" was a direct reference to the rapacious tariff policy that was proving economically ruinous to the South but which benefitted Northern special interests greatly.

And you can easily prove or disprove your own claims here simply by finding examples of Southern Democrat Fire Eaters who publicly admitted Southern slavery was doomed and therefore should be gradually, peacefully & lawfully abolished.

Why limit it to "fire eaters"? Seems like somebody is trying to stack the deck here. There were plenty of prominent Southerners who felt slavery's days were numbered. Those included Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, The Chairman of the Confederate House Ways and Means committee Duncan Kenner, prominent cabinet secretary Judah Benjamin and others. They could see it happening in their lifetimes. The British Empire got rid of slavery in 1838. The Northern states were gradually banning slavery. The percentage of Blacks who were freedmen had steadily risen in the areas of the South that were industrializing first (ie 50% in Maryland and 25% in Virginia). The percentage of White families which did own slaves declined in both between 1850 and 1860. There were plenty of people who could see what was happening.

That is pure bovine excrement, and you well know it! The real truth of the tariff issue is that many Southerners, from Madison & Monroe to Clay, Jackson and even (for a time) Calhoun supported protective tariffs, in the latter cases even the so-called "1828 Tariff of Abominations". In 1846 most Southerners were happy to support the new Walker tariff rates which were then further reduced in 1857. In 1860 Republicans proposed to increase protective tariffs back, essentially, to their 1846 rates, and that Morrill tariff proposal was defeated by Democrats in 1860, and not mentioned by any of the earliest "Reasons for Secession" documents. So alleged "rapacious trade and tax policies" was purely a Lost Cause lie, concocted after the fact attempting to explain the otherwise inexplicable and justify the unjustifiable.

Now you're just outright lying. Southerners complained bitterly about the Tariff of Abominations. That's what caused the Nullification Crisis. The compromise solution was to get rid of those rapacious tariffs. It was only a matter of time before Northern special interests would be back to try again. Aside from the fact that Lincoln was a huge supporter of massively high tariffs, the Morrill Tariff had already passed the House in 1860 and was sure to pass the Senate given they only needed to pick off one or two Senators and that could easily be done with good ole' log rolling. Y'know like Nebraska getting an opt out to get one Senator to vote for Obamacare. They'd have thrown in a few sweeteners and gotten one more Senator on board and it was sure to pass - and everybody knew it.

As for claims that Southerners did not mention it or complain about it bitterly and repeatedly before - that's the most laughable lie. I've posted newspaper articles, statements from the declarations of causes of secession as well as the statements of numerous Southern politicians showing what a lie it is you're trying to spread here. Anybody who reads this thread can see it for himself.

And those are yet more of the essential Lost Cause Big Lies. The real truth is: all of that alleged greed & corruption came from slaveholders' Northern Democrat allies, not Republicans, which never existed before ~1856 and whose Whig predecessors were just as often Northern Doughfaces as not.

The denial of it is another of the big PC Revisionist Lies. The real truth is the North was replete with greed and corruption. Its how the whole society worked. Note I did not say "Republicans". I said the North - especially New England.....Y'know the guys who sold all those slaves in the first place.

The Lost Cause Big Lie is always to conflate Republicans with Northern Big City Doughfaced Democrats. They were not the same people.

The PC Revisionist Big Lie is to try to push the Myth of the Virtuous North. That is, to pretend the North was motivated by some deep and abiding sense of morality and that their finely tuned morals were just so offended by the existence of slavery in the Southern states. Let's just forget that it existed in the North for a very long time and that they had sold those slaves in the first place and that they were continuing to profit quite handsomely from the existence of slavery via the cash crops their labor helped to produce.

So several facts need to be pointed out here: Unlike today, when governments at all levels spend upwards of 30% of US GDP, in 1860 that number was about 2%, meaning something like 98% of US economic activity & jobs (especially Republicans') were unrelated to government spending. Then as now the vast majority of Republican voters lived on farms, in small & medium sized towns or suburbs, held jobs in agriculture, small business, manufacturing, professions & other such "middle class" occupations. Then as now Republicans were usually the minority opposition party.

Firstly I did not say "Republican". You falsely assumed that's what I was saying. I was talking about Northerners in general - including ones who were not corporate fatcats. Even average workers there benefitted enormously from the exports the South generated which they serviced - ie shipbuilding, warehousing, insurance, lawyers, bankers, etc. They also benefitted from the subsidies the federal government gave (paid overwhelmingly by Southerners) to the building of railroads, canals, etc. As well as corporate subsidies which went overwhelmingly to the North.

Then as now Democrats were an alliance of Big Business (slaveholders), globalist financial interests (of King Cotton) and Big City immigrant bosses (i.e., NY's Tammany Hall).

This is mostly false. It was the Whigs and later Republicans who were backed by big business. Lincoln was the chief counsel and lobbyist for the huge Illinois Central Railroad after all. The corporate fatcats knew exactly who they were nominating. They knew Lincoln was their man. He told audiences that massive tariffs and government subsidies were his #1 priority.

And Southern Democrats effectively ruled over Washington, DC, almost continuously from the election of 1800 until secession in 1861.

This is again false. The South had been outvoted in the House of Representatives from day one. They never had the population the North did. Its true Virginia had a run of presidents. Then again, Virginia had been the cradle of the War of Independence. It had provided Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Jay, Patrick Henry, George Mason, etc.

Lost Causer gross exaggerations notwithstanding, the "Southern economy" represented roughly 15% of the US total GDP of $4.4 billion in 1860.

PC Revisionists seem to gloss over the fact that at the time the Constitution was ratified it was the South that was by far the richest part of the country. Being much poorer, the North claimed it needed massive subsidies to get its infant industries on their feet. The South agreed in the name of national unity but once those no longer infant industries got on their feet, the North decided it liked getting a steady flow of Southern cash every year and did not want to give it up. Instead it clamored for even more. After a couple generations of this, Southerners got fed up.

In 1861 that Southern economy was deleted from the US totals and the result was roughly 15% loss of Federal tariff revenues. So all claims that Southerners somehow paid the majority of Federal taxes are pure 100% bovine excrement.

This is yet another PC Revisionist outright lie.

In a pamphlet published in 1850, Muscoe Russell Garnett of Virginia wrote: The whole amount of duties collected from the year 1791, to June 30, 1845, after deducting the drawbacks on foreign merchandise exported, was $927,050,097. Of this sum the slaveholding States paid $711,200,000, and the free States only $215,850,097. Had the same amount been paid by the two sections in the constitutional ratio of their federal population, the South would have paid only $394,707,917, and the North $532,342,180. Therefore, the slaveholding States paid $316,492,083 more than their just share, and the free States as much less.

The U.S. House of Representatives had passed the Morrill tariff in the 1859-1860 session, and the Senate passed it on March 2, 1861, two days before Lincoln’s inauguration. President James Buchanan, a Pennsylvanian who owed much of his own political success to Pennsylvania protectionists, signed it into law. The bill immediately raised the average tariff rate from about 15 percent (according to Frank Taussig in Tariff History of the United States) to 37.5 percent, but with a greatly expanded list of covered items. The tax burden would about triple. Soon thereafter, a second tariff increase would increase the average rate to 47.06 percent, Taussig writes.

So, Lincoln owed everything--his nomination and election--to Northern protectionists, especially the ones in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He was expected to be the enforcer of the Morrill tariff. Understanding all too well that the South Carolina tariff nullifiers had foiled the last attempt to impose a draconian protectionist tariff on the nation by voting in political convention not to collect the 1828 "Tariff of Abominations," Lincoln literally promised in his first inaugural address a military invasion if the new, tripled tariff rate was not collected.

At the time, Taussig says, the import-dependent South was paying as much as 80 percent of the tariff, while complaining bitterly that most of the revenues were being spent in the North. The South was being plundered by the tax system and wanted no more of it.

"Next to the demands for safety and equality, the secessionist leaders emphasized familiar economic complaints. South Carolinians in particular were convinced of the general truth of Rhett's and Hammond's much publicized figures upon Southern tribute to Northern interests." (Allan Nevins, The Emergence of Lincoln, Ordeal of the Union, Volume 2, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950, p. 332)

South Carolina Congressman Robert Barnwell Rhett had estimated that of the $927,000,000 collected in duties between 1791 and 1845, the South had paid $711,200,000, and the North $216,000,000. South Carolina Senator James Hammond had declared that the South paid about $50,000,000 and the North perhaps $20,000,000 of the $70,000,000 raised annually by duties. In expenditure of the national revenues, Hammond thought the North got about $50,000,000 a year, and the South only $20,000,000. When in the Course of Human Events: Charles Adams

As Adams notes, the South paid an undue proportion of federal revenues derived from tariffs, and these were expended by the federal government more in the North than the South: in 1840, the South paid 84% of the tariffs, rising to 87% in 1860. They paid 83% of the $13 million federal fishing bounties paid to New England fishermen, and also paid $35 million to Northern shipping interests which had a monopoly on shipping from Southern ports. The South, in effect, was paying tribute to the North.

"What were the causes of the Southern independence movement in 1860? . . . Northern commercial and manufacturing interests had forced through Congress taxes that oppressed Southern planters and made Northern manufacturers rich . . . the South paid about three-quarters of all federal taxes, most of which were spent in the North." - Charles Adams, "For Good and Evil. The impact of taxes on the course of civilization," 1993, Madison Books, Lanham, USA, pp. 325-327

Even claims that "Southern exports" somehow "paid for" ~75% of US imports (and so tariffs) are pure nonsense, since the main thing "Southern exports" paid for was "imports" of manufactured goods from the North -- i.e., woolen & cotton clothing, shoes, hats, iron products (i.e., stoves, farm implements, railroad iron, nails, etc.), paper, soap & candles. There may also have been Midwestern food & livestock that were not captured in these statistics. Finally, studies of Federal spending before 1860 show that it was roughly equally distributed North vs. South unless by "the North" you mean every state North of South Carolina! Again, it's all just more Democrat bovine excrement intended to bedazzle & obscure the real facts.

The usual PC Revisionist lies. This is what NORTHERN newspapers said at the time:

On 18 March 1861, the Boston Transcript noted that while the Southern states had claimed to secede over the slavery issue, now "the mask has been thrown off and it is apparent that the people of the principal seceding states are now for commercial independence. They dream that the centres of traffic can be changed from Northern to Southern a revenue system verging on free trade...."

The predicament in which both the government and the commerce of the country are placed, through the non-enforcement of our revenue laws, is now thoroughly understood the world over....If the manufacturer at Manchester (England) can send his goods into the Western States through New Orleans at less cost than through New York, he is a fool for not availing himself of his advantage....if the importations of the country are made through Southern ports, its exports will go through the same channel. The produce of the West, instead of coming to our own port by millions of tons to be transported abroad by the same ships through which we received our importations, will seek other routes and other outlets. With the loss of our foreign trade, what is to become of our public works, conducted at the cost of many hundred millions of dollars, to turn into our harbor the products of the interior? They share in the common ruin. So do our manufacturers. Once at New Orleans, goods may be distributed over the whole country duty free. The process is perfectly simple. The commercial bearing of the question has acted upon the North. We now see whither our tending, and the policy we must adopt. With us it is no longer an abstract question of Constitutional construction, or of the reserved or delegated power of the State or Federal Government, but of material existence and moral position both at home and abroad. WE WERE DIVIDED AND CONFUSED UNTIL OUR POCKETS WERE TOUCHED." New York Times March 30, 1861

"The Southern Confederacy will not employ our ships or buy our goods. What is our shipping without it? Literally nothing. The transportation of cotton and its fabrics employs more than all other trade. It is very clear the South gains by this process and we lose. No, we must not let the South go." The Manchester, New Hampshire Union Democrat Feb 19 1861

That either revenue from these duties must be collected in the ports of the rebel states, or the ports must be closed to importations from abroad. If neither of these things be done, our revenue laws are substantially repealed, the sources which supply our treasury will be dried up. We shall have no money to carry on the government, the nation will become bankrupt before the next crop of corn is ripe....allow railroad iron to be entered at Savannah with the low duty of ten percent which is all that the Southern Confederacy think of laying on imported goods, and not an ounce more would be imported at New York. The Railways would be supplied from the southern ports." New York Evening Post March 12, 1861 article "What Shall be Done for a Revenue?"

On the very eve of war, March 18, 1861, the Boston Transcript wrote: If the Southern Confederation is allowed to carry out a policy by which only a nominal duty is laid upon the imports, no doubt the business of the chief Northern cities will be seriously injured thereby. The difference is so great between the tariff of the Union and that of the Confederated States, that the entire Northwest must find it to their advantage to purchase their imported goods at New Orleans rather than New York. In addition to this, the manufacturing interest of the country will suffer from the increased importations resulting from low duties….The…[government] would be false to all its obligations, if this state of things were not provided against.

[demanding a blockade of Southern ports, because, if not] "a series of customs houses will be required on the vast inland border from the Atlantic to West Texas. Worse still, with no protective tariff, European goods will under-price Northern goods in Southern markets. Cotton for Northern mills will be charged an export tax. This will cripple the clothing industries and make British mills prosper. Finally, the great inland waterways, the Mississippi, the Missouri, and the Ohio Rivers, will be subject to Southern tolls." The Philadelphia Press 18 March 1861

December 1860, before any secession, the Chicago Daily Times foretold the disaster that Southern free ports would bring to Northern commerce: "In one single blow our foreign commerce must be reduced to less than one-half what it now is. Our coastwide trade would pass into other hands. One-half of our shipping would lie idle at our wharves. We should lose our trade with the South, with all of its immense profits. Our manufactories would be in utter ruins. Let the South adopt the free-trade system, or that of a tariff for revenue, and these results would likely follow."Chicago Daily Times Dec 1860

"The South has furnished near three-fourths of the entire exports of the country. Last year she furnished seventy-two percent of the whole...we have a tariff that protects our manufacturers from thirty to fifty percent, and enables us to consume large quantities of Southern cotton, and to compete in our whole home market with the skilled labor of Europe. This operates to compel the South to pay an indirect bounty to our skilled labor, of millions annually." - Daily Chicago Times, December 10, 1860

As usual BroJoeK is a joke.

258 posted on 10/05/2021 5:17:33 PM PDT by FLT-bird
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To: FLT-bird; DiogenesLamp; x; jmacusa; rockrr; enumerated; TwelveOfTwenty; woodpusher; DoodleDawg
FRiends, both FLT-bird and woodpusher have large inventories of what I call, cut & paste Lost Cause liar quotes, and both will post their inventories given any excuse to.
And both typically respond to challenges by first posting yet more quotes and then descending into insults before finally disappearing.
All that in mind, here's my response to FLT-bird's most recent.


FLT-bird: "No, there had long been large sectional differences especially in tariff and trade policy, the size and scope of the federal government, the existence of a central bank, corporate subsidies, etc etc. "

Sectional differences? Maybe.
But they were never strictly "North vs. South", and I'll cite again that of the four Whig presidents, three were Southern born slaveholders.
We can also note the 1828 "Tariff of Abominations" was not strictly "North vs. South" since it was opposed by many New Englanders and supported by such Southerners as Henry Clay (KY), Andrew Jackson (TN) and even, for a time, by John Calhoun (SC).

FLT-bird: "The letter from Jefferson I cited complaining about Northerners "draining our (ie the South's) substance" was a direct reference to the rapacious tariff policy that was proving economically ruinous to the South but which benefitted Northern special interests greatly."

I've seen no such quote, and would challenge it, for starters, considering that average tariff rates under President Jefferson were 1/3 higher (10.7%) than they had been under the previous Federalist administration (8%).
How else was Jefferson going to pay for the Barbary Wars and Louisiana purchase?

FLT-bird: "Why limit it to "fire eaters"?
Seems like somebody is trying to stack the deck here."

Because Southern Democrat Fire Eaters were the people who truly mattered politically in the 1850s and 1860 -- they constantly pushed for secession, first threatened secession in 1856 if Abolitionist Republican John Fremont was elected president, in 1860 they split their own Democrat party in two and when Lincoln was elected, they immediately pushed for secession, then war against the United States.
When it came to secession & war, Fire Eaters mattered like no others because their views won out.

FLT-bird: "There were plenty of prominent Southerners who felt slavery's days were numbered.
Those included Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, The Chairman of the Confederate House Ways and Means committee Duncan Kenner..."

Totally irrelevant since none of those were in charge of the secession votes, and when push-came-to-shove at Fort Sumter, Jefferson Davis listened to his Fire Eaters (i.e. Louis Wigfall) first, and ignored perfectly reasonable warnings like Robert Toombs':

FLT-bird: "There were plenty of people who could see what was happening."

But they were not in charge in 1860-61, Fire Eaters were and Fire Eaters had no intentions of letting abolition happen.

FLT-bird: "Now you're just outright lying.
Southerners complained bitterly about the Tariff of Abominations.
That's what caused the Nullification Crisis. "

Sorry, but no, you're mistaken, starting here: not all Southerners opposed the 1828 Tariff of Abominations, and not all Northerners supported it.
In the beginning notable Southern supporters included Henry Clay (KY), Andrew Jackson (TN) and even John Calhoun (SC).
Sure, as negotiations progressed Calhoun flipped sides, however, the majority of New Englanders also opposed the new tariff -- so it was not about "North vs. South".

FLT-bird: "The compromise solution was to get rid of those rapacious tariffs.
It was only a matter of time before Northern special interests would be back to try again.
Aside from the fact that Lincoln was a huge supporter of massively high tariffs, the Morrill Tariff had already passed the House in 1860 and was sure to pass the Senate given they only needed to pick off one or two Senators and that could easily be done with good ole' log rolling. "

Sorry, but again you're mistaken, beginning here: the highest rates in the 1828 "Tariff of Abominations" were reduced in gradual steps from 1832 to 1860 such that by 1860 average rates reached roughly levels of President Washington in 1792 = 15%.
The last major reductions were the 1846 Walker Tariff and the Tariff of 1857, both supported by Southern Democrats.
The lowest Tariff of 1857 resulted in less Federal revenue, but greatly increased Democrat government spending doubled the national debt from 1856 to 1860.

So, in 1860 the original Republican Morrill proposal was to return tariffs to roughly their 1846 Walker Tariff levels, increasing revenues, reducing the national debt and protecting all American manufacturing (not just Northern factories) against cheaper imports.

In December 1860 Robert Rhett briefly mentioned tariffs in his "Reasons for Secession" letter, but does not mention that Senate Democrats defeated the Morrill bill in 1860, or that in the House enough representatives abstained to have defeated Morrill, if they really wanted to.

Bottom line: in 1860 Democrats successfully opposed the Morrill bill which would have returned tariff rates to roughly levels Democrats had supported under Democrat President Polk in 1846.

FLT-bird: "As for claims that Southerners did not mention it or complain about it bitterly and repeatedly before - that's the most laughable lie.
I've posted newspaper articles, statements from the declarations of causes of secession as well as the statements of numerous Southern politicians showing what a lie it is you're trying to spread here.
Anybody who reads this thread can see it for himself."

Sorry, but again you're mistaken, starting here: you've misstated my views.
What I've accurately reported is that none of the "Reasons for secession" documents before Fort Sumter mentioned the Morrill Tariff as a reason -- indeed, the word "tariff" does not appear in any of the four official documents.
Neither do the unofficial reports of Robert Rhett or Alexander Stephens dwell at length on it.
Indirectly, Rhett says this:

Again, I point out accurately, Rhett is lying here.
In fact, the very first US Tariff of 1789, under President Washington -- pushed through the House by Congressman James Madison -- states, as its purpose: The first President, Washington's tariffs averaged 15%.
Here's where average rates went under following presidents:
  1. Southern Federalist President Washington: 15% average tariffs.
  2. Northern Federalist President Adams (Tariff of 1792): 8%
  3. Southern Democrat President Jefferson: 10.7%
  4. Southern Democrat President Madison: 10.1%
  5. Southern Democrat President Monroe (1816 Dallas Tariff): 20%
  6. Northern Democrat President Adams (Tariff of 1824): 22%
  7. Southern Democrat President Jackson (1828 Tariff of Abominations): 35%
  8. Northern Democrat President Van Buren: 14%
  9. Southern Whig Presidents Harrison/Tyler: 24%
  10. Southern Democrat President Polk (1846 Walker Tariff): 23%
  11. Southern Whig President Taylor/Fillmore: 22%
  12. Northern Democrat President Pierce: 22%
  13. Northern Democrat President Buchanan (Tariff of 1857): 15%
Again, the original Morrill proposal, defeated by Democrats in 1860, was to return average rates from those of the 1857 Tariff to those of the 1846 Walker Tariff under President Polk.

FLT-bird: "The denial of it is another of the big PC Revisionist Lies.
The real truth is the North was replete with greed and corruption.
Its how the whole society worked.
Note I did not say "Republicans".
I said the North - especially New England.....Y'know the guys who sold all those slaves in the first place."

Your criticism is only potentially accurate if by "the North" you mean Northern Democrats -- the globalist financial interests who served King Cotton commerce, corrupt Big City Democrat immigrant bosses like NY's Tammany Hall, Democrat political allies of large Southern plantation owners, etc.
Those are the corrupt Northerners, allies of Southern Democrats, who ruled over Washington, DC, from roughly 1801 until secession in 1861 -- not Republicans.

So, FLT-bird, you can criticize Democrats all you wish, North or South, and you'll get no grief from me for it.
But when you start throwing in pre-1860 Republicans then I'll call you on it, because that's pure nonsense.

FLT-bird: "The PC Revisionist Big Lie is to try to push the Myth of the Virtuous North.
That is, to pretend the North was motivated by some deep and abiding sense of morality and that their finely tuned morals were just so offended by the existence of slavery in the Southern states."

Throughout the period before 1860 over half the North was closely allied, both politically and economically, with Southern Democrats.
These people had all the political power in Washington, DC, and all the economic power in Big Cities like New York.
They were very likely just as corrupt as you imagine them, and as they are today.

But they were not Republicans.
Republicans were a very different group of people, then just as today.
Republicans were born, circa 1854, as the anti-slavery party, a moral value Republicans first learned in their churches, and from books like "Uncle Tom's Cabin".
So Republicans never claimed to be more moral than anybody else, but they did understand slavery as a moral abomination against God, and that slavery should be restricted where ever possible.

FLT-bird: "Firstly I did not say "Republican".
You falsely assumed that's what I was saying."

It's certainly what you intended, because all Lost Causers must desperately work to hide the distinctions between their own Northern Democrat allies and a very different group of people named Republicans.
So here's the deal: say what you wish about Northern Democrats, they were likely just as corrupt as you claim, and as they are today.
But Republicans before 1860 -- for whatever their actual faults might be -- were not your corrupt Big City big business, financial & political bosses.

FLT-bird: "They also benefitted from the subsidies the federal government gave (paid overwhelmingly by Southerners) to the building of railroads, canals, etc.
As well as corporate subsidies which went overwhelmingly to the North."

First, the great Southern Democrats Big Lie is that somehow Southerners "paid overwhelmingly" Federal revenues.
You might even label it: the Lie that Launched the Civil War.
But the real truth is: Confederate state economies generated roughly 15% of total US GDP in 1860 -- about $660 million of $4.4 billion -- and so 15% was the initial 1861 loss of Federal revenues after secession.
Sure, 1860 cotton exports did gross roughly $200 million, about half of total exports including specie.
But Southerners also "imported" about $200 million in manufactured goods from the North -- i.e., woolen & cotton clothing, shoes, iron stoves, railroad equipment, farm implements & nails, paper, soap, candles, etc.

In 1861 when such Confederate state "imports" ended, then net results reduced Federal tariff revenues about 15% -- that was the overall importance of the Confederate states' economy to the US total.
By the way, the equivalent number today is roughly 30% of US GDP.

Second, in your complaints about alleged favoritism for Northerner spending, which never actually existed, the whole idea would be completely blown away by remembering one thing: the 1854 Gadsden Purchase.
At a time when total Federal "infrastructure" spending averaged about $2 million/year, in 1854 at the urging of Democrat Secretary of War Jefferson Davis, Congress approved $10 million to purchase land from Mexico for a transcontinental railroad Southern Route.
Now that was Federal favoritism, explicitly for the South and especially to benefit Davis personally, since the proposed Southern Route ran near his plantation in Mississippi.

Third, your term "corporate subsidies" is nowhere to be found in any 1860-1 "Reasons for Secession" document.
What you can find is Georgia's complaint about "bounties" for "fishing smacks" which they claim total $500,000 per year, a number for that time which cannot be accepted uncritically!
Turns out, when we look it up, that $500,000 figure was disputed by Alabama Senator Clay, who said it was only $200,000.
Second, the "bounty" was first supported & enacted under Secretary of State Jefferson, then renewed by Southern Democrat presidents & Congresses every year until 1860.
Third, as for preferential treatment, it was pointed out the Federal government spent in one year more money removing Indians from Georgia (Trail of Tears) than in all 70 years of bounties to "fishing smacks".

Point is, all those secession-justifying complaints are just political nonsense.

FLT-bird: "This is mostly false.
It was the Whigs and later Republicans who were backed by big business.
Lincoln was the chief counsel and lobbyist for the huge Illinois Central Railroad after all. "

Whose chief executive was Democrat George McClellan!
Republican Lincoln was just their hired-gun, the real executive powers were Democrats.
Then as now, Democrats ruled New York City's corrupt politics, global finances, big business manufacturing and transportation, not to mention entertainment.
Those Northern Democrats allied with Southern Democrat big-business plantation owners to rule over both the Northern economy and national politics until 1861.

Small-town, small-business, middle-class religious & conservative Republicans had nothing to do with any of that.

FLT-bird: "This is again false.
The South had been outvoted in the House of Representatives from day one.
They never had the population the North did."

Sorry, but you are again mistaken because, on Day One there was no "South vs. North".
Delaware & Georgia were among the first to ratify the Constitution in 1787, North Carolina (1789) and Rhode Island (1790) were the last -- so it had nothing to do with "North vs. South".
The first President (Washington) was a Southerner and so were the third, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, eleventh & twelfth.
Also the eighth, fourteenth & fifteenth Presidents were (highly sympathetic to slavery) Northern Democrats.
In Congress Southerners dominated their Democrat party from the time of Jefferson & Madison until secession in 1861, and Democrats ruled over Congress in all but two terms from 1801 until 1861.
Southerners also dominated in the US Supreme Court, from the beginning, and most especially in 1857 for their Dred Scott ruling.

Bottom line: nothing happened long-term in Washington, DC, before 1861 unless it was approved by Southern Democrats, and that would include such spending as "bounties" for "fishing smacks".

FLT-bird: "PC Revisionists seem to gloss over the fact that at the time the Constitution was ratified it was the South that was by far the richest part of the country.
Being much poorer, the North claimed it needed massive subsidies to get its infant industries on their feet. "

So, first of all, overall US per-capita income in 1790 was roughly 1/3 higher than in, say, England, so no region was truly "poor" on average.
In 1790 average Southern white incomes were about 1/3 better off than New Englanders.

Second, the real point of "bounties" to "fishing smacks" proposed by then Secretary of State Jefferson was that sea-wise fishermen were the first place to look for Navy sailors in case of war.
Another point to remember is these "bounties" made caught-fish more abundant, and therefore cheaper, and Southerners "imported" about $3 million worth of canned & smoked fish yearly from the North.
So, how many Southerners wanted to see prices for Northern canned & smoked fish go up if those "bounties" were eliminated?
That is doubtless the reason such "bounties" persisted over seven decades & 15 different administrations, mostly Southern Democrats.

FLT-bird: "In a pamphlet published in 1850, Muscoe Russell Garnett of Virginia wrote: The whole amount of duties collected from the year 1791, to June 30, 1845, after deducting the drawbacks on foreign merchandise exported, was $927,050,097.
Of this sum the slaveholding States paid $711,200,000, and the free States only $215,850,097."

That is a total lie, it's pure propaganda, it was a lie then and cannot become truer by constant repetition.
The reason is that of all the tariffs collected by 1860, far less than 10% were collected at all Southern ports combined.
Over 85% of all tariffs were collected from the big-three Northern ports of Boston, New York and Philadelphia.
From there imports were shipped all over the country until it's impossible to say who finally paid for what.
And all claims that somehow Southerners "paid for" a disproportionate share are belied by the fact that Southerners "imported" huge volumes of manufactured goods, not from overseas, but from the North -- woolen & cotton clothing, shoes, iron stoves, railroad & farm equipment, nails, paper, candles, soap & fish, etc.
On top of that were food products from wheat, corn & livestock.
All that's in part where Northerners earned money to pay tariffs on foreign imports.

FLT-bird: "The bill immediately raised the average tariff rate from about 15 percent (according to Frank Taussig in Tariff History of the United States) to 37.5 percent, but with a greatly expanded list of covered items."

The original Morrill proposal, the one defeated in the Senate in 1860, would have raised rates roughly back to 1846 Walker Tariff levels, which was supported by Southerners like President Polk at the time.
But by early 1861 conditions were changing quickly, Southerners seceded and there was already a threat of war.
So the bill that passed in 1861, and all subsequent revisions, took the new circumstances into account.

FLT-bird: "At the time, Taussig says, the import-dependent South was paying as much as 80 percent of the tariff, while complaining bitterly that most of the revenues were being spent in the North.
The South was being plundered by the tax system and wanted no more of it."

That was a total lie then and is still so today, regardless of how often you repeat it.
Here's the real truth: in 1860 the South amounted to about 15% of the US GDP, and roughly 15% was the loss of Federal revenues in 1861, after secession.

FLT-bird: "Lincoln literally promised in his first inaugural address a military invasion if the new, tripled tariff rate was not collected."

And Confederate newspapers of the day pronounced that a "Declaration of War".
But the truth is Lincoln thought he was being mild-mannered, compromising and accommodating, saying:

In 1860 total Federal revenues were circa $60 million, of which less than $3 million came from all Confederate ports combined.
So Lincoln did not need Confederate tariff revenues, but he had sworn to uphold the Constitution and Federal laws, and (unlike, Democrat Biden) could not walk away from his oath of office.

FLT-bird: "South Carolinians in particular were convinced of the general truth of Rhett's and Hammond's much publicized figures upon Southern tribute to Northern interests." (Allan Nevins, The Emergence of Lincoln, Ordeal of the Union, Volume 2, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950, p. 332)"

Right, nobody I've seen argues that many Southerners didn't believe the published numbers -- why should Southerners doubt such numbers?
But the fact remains, those numbers were lies then, are still lies now -- there's no way they can be true.

FLT-bird: "On 18 March 1861, the Boston Transcript noted that while the Southern states had claimed to secede over the slavery issue, now

First & foremost, let's notice here that "Southern states" claimed slavery was their reason for secession.
So, sure, anybody might argue there was some "real reason", but slavery is what they claimed.

Second, whatever boogieman 1861 Bostonians may have feared, the reality was that no "free trade" was ever proposed in the Confederacy, that Confederates then intended to charge the same rates as the Union Tariff of 1857 -- they too needed revenue -- and no honest Union merchant would ever pay tariffs twice to import to, for example, St. Louis by shipping through Confederate New Orleans.

FLT-bird quoting NYTimes: "If the manufacturer at Manchester (England) can send his goods into the Western States through New Orleans at less cost than through New York, he is a fool for not availing himself of his advantage....if the importations of the country are made through Southern ports, its exports will go through the same channel. "

That manufacturer would certainly be a fool if he shipped via a route which required him to pay tariffs twice -- first to Confederates in New Orleans, then to the Union in, for example, St. Louis.

We might also notice that at roughly this same time, Confederates themselves were debating the necessity of raising tariffs, not just on imports, but also on exports! -- they needed the money.
So suggestions that Northerners would want to pay export taxes to ship through New Orleans is pure fantasy.

FLT-bird quoting: "The Southern Confederacy will not employ our ships or buy our goods.
What is our shipping without it?
Literally nothing.
The transportation of cotton and its fabrics employs more than all other trade.
It is very clear the South gains by this process and we lose.
No, we must not let the South go."

The Manchester, New Hampshire Union Democrat Feb 19 1861"

First, I'm not 100% certain if all these quotes are legit, but for sake of argument, I'll stipulate this one is.
The basic fact is that by February 1861 many Northerners, especially Democrats, were content to let Confederates "go in peace".
These are the Democrats who would read the New Hampshire Union Democrat newspaper and think, "can't we all just get along?"
It only slowly dawns of them that... wait a minute... we too could get hurt, big time, and that is what this newspaper is telling them.

Democrats then as now had a different mind-set and responded to different motivations.

FLT-bird quoting: "allow railroad iron to be entered at Savannah with the low duty of ten percent which is all that the Southern Confederacy think of laying on imported goods, and not an ounce more would be imported at New York.
The Railways would be supplied from the southern ports."

New York Evening Post March 12, 1861 article "What Shall be Done for a Revenue?""

Again, regardless of what they were told to fear, the reality was that no Union merchant would ship products through Confederate ports and so pay tariffs twice, nor would he use a Confederate port (i.e., New Orleans) to export and so pay Confederate export taxes.

FLT-bird quoting: "The difference is so great between the tariff of the Union and that of the Confederated States, that the entire Northwest must find it to their advantage to purchase their imported goods at New Orleans rather than New York."

No it wasn't!
Confederate tariffs at the time were almost exactly the same as Union Tariffs of 1857.
Sure, those were lower than the new Morrill Tariffs, but not so much as to be completely discounted.
That's why no Union merchant would ship products through Confederate ports and so pay tariffs twice.

FLT-bird quoting: "December 1860, before any secession, the Chicago Daily Times foretold the disaster that Southern free ports would bring to Northern commerce:..."

This quote do I seriously doubt is legit because, first, it's too clever by half as it foretold disaster.
And, second, none of it is actually true.

FLT-bird quoting: "The South has furnished near three-fourths of the entire exports of the country.
Last year she furnished seventy-two percent of the whole..."

And yet another lie, only potentially true if by "Southern products" you first include everything shipped down the Mississippi River for export from New Orleans and then also subtract from total exports the values of California gold and Nevada silver -- "specie".
The true number comes from just one commodity, cotton, and that did amount to about 50% of total 1860 US exports.
It's a big number and cotton did help pay for about $200 million in Southern "imports" from the North.

And, sad to say, as per usual, having copied & pasted his inventory of Lost Cause liar quotes, FLT-bird will now just descend into mindless insults or run away entirely.

275 posted on 10/07/2021 12:42:30 PM PDT by BroJoeK (future DDG 134 -- we remember)
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