“Live right now Lindell is on a long rant about state by state problems, AZ results up on screen..”
From where is Lindell getting this data? I assume from the guy sitting next to him? Who is he? And where is he getting his data?
See my post in 478. Your question isn’t unique, nor is it unreasonable. Many techies there have the same question.
The main thing though that one must question is, WRT these data, that it is in “HEX” format, which means nothing, because when it’s translated from that format, it shows little more than meaningless IP addresses and/or lists of voter lists that are publicly accessible. It’s a shame if that’s what really happened, I really do like Mike Lindell (he seems like an honest man to me)
To me, it seems Mike’s been “had”. That’s my first impression “blush”. “Had” by those who just converted publicly accessible data into HEX format and he (Lindell) was impressed simply by the hex. And THAT is what has fueled his insistence about voter “hacking” all this time.
That’s my impression. May be wrong of course of COURSE! I don’t see anyone else admitting the same possibility though, oh no. Might be labeled a “deep state agent” if one goes against the narrative with reasonable doubts.
“From where is Lindell getting this data?”
From the packet captures, provided by (probably) NSA patriots.
He claims to have several terabytes of election data... I don’t think I’ve heard the source...
They say Q is a military intelligence (like that Waldron guy?) team working with patriotic elements of the NSA.
If that is so, where do you think he's getting his data?
(not from the pillow factory OR the pickle factory)