The America First name is 100% real and should be unobjectionable to any real American. Now, WaPo chose to amplify one small part of the seven-page founding document, but yes, the Anglo-Saxon bit is in there. It is in fact critical that Conservatives have the balls to fight against the anti-white sentiment coming from the Left and they must oppose the American Taliban and its attempt to cancel western civilization and history, but at the same time it should avoid oversimplifying American history and unnecessarily offending people in the big Trump tent. It’s not the document I would have written, that’s for sure.
Think the real roots may have been implemented in America primarily by Anglo Saxons, but the real roots are those of Western Civilization. The West has had contributors from many ethnicities and races. The Western Canon is open to all. These pols sèm ignorant and narrow in their vision of their own country.
Were I in charge, which I aint, I would demand the abandonment of all of these congressional caucuses based on race: Congressional Black Caucus, House Hispanic Caucus, America First (Anglo Saxon First) Caucus. Plain and simple. Dumb as a sack of hammers. The third one having nothing to do with Conservatism or Ronald Reagan Republicanism.