My opinion is that he could of said unless directed from the supream court to certify the election at this point I cant certify becouse of irregularities in the election....that would of forced the supream court to look at the issues... I am not a lawyer so any lawyer in here please correct me if I am wrong in the assumptions on law I am masking.
My opinion is that he could of said unless directed from the supream court to certify the election at this point I cant certify becouse of irregularities in the election
and the supreme court could have simply stated the state legislatures must investigate all claims and then certify....
He was never asked to decertify anything. He was asked to temporarily set aside certain Electors until their states had a chance to investigate the massive fraud they were unearthing. State legislatures had written him urgently to postpone counting Electors for about a week to ten days.
Article II of the Constitution gives all power to state legislators over matters dealing with their Electors.
During the postponement,
Trump lawyers were set to present to Congress the evidence of fraud and rigging by the CCP and others.