That Turtle needs to be knocked off of that post.
Time for a new party...
And now Trump can start plucking off the GOP loyalists to McConnell starting with Burr and Murkowski who need trumps voters to get re-elected or there will be many “Georgia’s”
Soon, McConnell will be hat-in-hand begging for help to take back the Senate. Setting aside the obvious problem with having McConnell continue to lead the Minority, makes me wonder of any of these cucks really want to be in the majority again. It’s easier for them to be the permanent minority party. They can continue to get paid by lobbyists without ever having to really deliver on anything.
I’m afraid the GOP is hopeless fractured which of course is great news for Dems.
Those impossible midnight spikes in Biden ballots mean nothing to this guy?
Hoping for all GOPe to lose even if it gives the rats a 60 vote majority. It’s more important to build an actual conservative leaning party.
Traitorous Turtle. What’s in his wallet? 🇨🇳
The Republicuck party is dead to me.
eff you Mitch
McTurtle is married to a CCP asset.
Is there anything else you need to know?
The dems and republicans will bring anything against Trump whether it is constitutional or not. They will vote and then that will be it — they will send out the troop to arrest Trump. He will be convicted, sent to prison and they will feel justified and safe. It’s really that simple.
What can Trump do? This whole charade was unconstitutional and they are signaling Trump things will continue to be unconstitutional if he persists. So what can he do? Start a new party and a new army to protect him... seriously.
McConnell’s title is minority leader — he is anything but a leader
Not watching that, China bought and paid for imbecile.
Hey, McDip!
Haven’t you studied any books at all?
For each action there is an equal and opposite REaction. There is a vote coming in your district, dumb-ox!
The wrong Kentucky Senator got physically attacked by a lunatic, it should’ve been McConnell.
McConnell has no vision, outside of lining his wallet with an international “cash flow.”
He’s a weak duplicitous POS.
Turdal is just doing what the D ‘mafia boss’ wants. He doesn’t want to be pizzed on or worse, suicide from depression.
Gutless wonder. Begone!
Mitch then goes on the Senate floor and accuses Trump of lying about The Steal.
Mitch is slime.