The sad part is they will never know (most) the he is quoting pelosi.
msm and big tech will take care of that.
I wonder if one day they will write a poem about “what if” Americans didn’t just sit home while the confederate flag was taken down and then the southern statues and then the Columbus statues and after 2 coups, the 2nd one being successful.
What if they had acted at any point in those times?
Would they have avoided a totalitarian regime?
Saw great military quotes on here, the Tree of Liberty being watered quote a thousand times.
Why were they written if they weren’t meant.
We have done and are doing nothing
And that breaks my heart.
We have done and are doing nothing””
Yep. I want on the OathKeepers site the other day to see what’s what and there was an editorial that said “..we can secede. ..we don’t want to start a civil war...” Think about that: Avoiding a civil war by seceding. Yeah that’ll do it.
I’d thought civil war or the threat of it was the whole point and power of this group. Their editorial was basically retreat. Run. Hide. Mumble some weak shit about “secession”, which they have no particular power to do, and, I guess, continue to think of themselves as no shit stand up guys.
They had an resolved association, guys,a gang a mob which had an understanding of stratagey and tactics Presumably they had expected this moment and understood what it would require in planning and communication. To paraphrase: “Came the moment, ran the men”. Maybe they doubted very many of us would rise to back their play. Whatever the case they retreated.
For a thing to start SOMEBODY had to stand and say “no”.
The sad part is....they wouldn’t care even if they knew. Hipocracy is their middle name. They would just excuse it all as.....that’s different. They actually believe that the burning of cities and marches from the summer were justified....while the March on the Capitol was not. We need to just realize that we will never change their minds. Water off a ducks back.