Hey fraud joe!
Get used to disappointment.
What obstruction? Does Joe know he isn’t President yet?
Sure Joe, “we’ll” right after you confess to the electoral malfeasance and admit that your party stole the elections in the 5 contested states, and that President Trump was actually re-elected.
The Democrats are acting very weird? What is going on?
Bernie "Never Held a Real Job In His Life" Sanders for Labor Secretary?
My second laugh of the day - long time between laughs!!!
Hell No, Joe Biden. We need to get and infiltrate the Republican Party...as my friend (a Biden supporter) said, Joe will be moderate in governing. I hope so...
FU, Groper!
You mean like the Dems did for Trumps there senile Joe? The Dems slow rolled every nominee and used the maximum time allowed for each confirmation. Now we are supposed to fast track everything because this a-hole says so. Have no doubt though that the spineless Repub senators will do just that.
It is all amazing to watch!
Does Biden think he is already President?