“...Many on ‘our side’ are untrustworthy cowards...”
Seeing a lot of that now. “Sunshine Patriots”, I believe the term is..
I remain optimistic, and I am glad to see that there is a better focus in the latest statements.
We’ve known all along what the President was getting at, but when you provide quotable segments that mean something else, it clouds the issues.
Sooner or later the media will be forced to concentrate on the actual issues rather than the false narratives they inserted yesterday.
“counting legal ballots, discarding illegal ballots” is the real story ahead.
There could be many thousands of illegal ballots in many of the close races (probably in some that weren’t close too, betcha California and New York were narrower than we were told).
There is something very Biblical about this situation and it is worth watching for sudden reversals and the context around them.
Elsewhere I suggested that prayer was an important part of what people can do, and focused prayer, that there might be people of integrity who would expose fraud that they had witnessed. Perhaps not everyone is as corrupt as many might be. It would only take one or two honest people in that vast throng, and I feel certain that somebody knows something, this scale of fraud can’t just happen through the actions of one or two people able to keep everything totally secret.