Trump got absolutely destroyed in the Philadelphia suburbs. Biden will have expanded Hillary’s margin of victory by well over 100,000 votes.
Trump screwed the pooch on his rhetoric on mail voting. There is always going to be low propensity Trump voters who can’t make it to the polls on election day. He should have helped his campaign finding these people and giving them mail ballots. He basically was fighting a war without his guns and ammunition and one hand tied behind his back.
It will probably go down in history as one of the biggest strategic blunders.
But also, the tweets. Suburban women hated the tweets. Suburban women hated Trump fighting with Dr. Fauci. Trump shouldn’t have talked down the virus early on. He should have listened to Tom Cotton and been even more aggressive with travel bans. Don’t just shut down Wuhan in January. Shut down all of China. Don’t wait a month to shut down travel to Europe. Shut it down in Feburary when Italy was spiking.
That would have given the United States a fighting chance for normalcy and containment.
I love Trump and his combative style but politics is coalition building and a lot of people just wanted quiet and peace and not having to think about their President all the time.
Biden will be a very impotent President. The Senate will remain conservative and block most of his agenda. Republicans made a lot of house gains and state legislature gains and will likely win back the House in 2022 with redistricting.
Historically, Presidential 2nd terms are underwhelming and a Trump second term would have focused on more and more deep state investigations and a 2nd impeachment. Further losses in 2022 and likely defeat in 2024 with a country burned out.
Trump transformed the Republican party and history will see him as a transformative figure. He can start his next phase of his life and start a new conservative TV network to battle FOX News and get back to making money. He’ll be alright. We’ll be alright. Take a deep breath. It’ll be OK.
Oh stfu you whiny bitch made dude.
Suburban white females still voted for TRump in large numbers. He got over 3 million more votes than last time and expanded his base with more non whites than any other Republican since 1960.
just S T F U!!!!!!
You are full of crap. And the war is just beginning.
What are you talking about?
First of all, Trump actually won.
Second of all, if Biden weaseled his way into the White House, America would be lost.
U.S defense would tank, China would quickly become the world’s superpower, and we would quickly be overrun by Islamic jihadists. Instant poverty with suffocating tax hikes and reinstatement of utterly unconstitutional regulations and banning of fossil fuels.
You’re living in a dream world about the threat of the America-hating, Globalist DNC Crime Organization and their turning the feds into a Marxist dictatorship.
How refreshing to read a post not written in sycophantic bitter scared tears but in a positive spin for Americans and our future. Trump should start a new network. Great idea.
Republicans made a lot of house gains and state legislature gains and will likely win back the House in 2022 with redistricting.
This is yet another iteration of the biggest pile of bull crap ever written in the English language. You believe that the massive in your face fraud is a one time thing? That the Democrats will stop using what has been so successful for them? When they double down on everything else?
No election in America will ever be free or fair again once this massive fraud stands. You live or die on this hill right here, because if it stands the only recourse left to remove the Democrats from power is force of arms.
This right here determines whether elections have any meaning in America. If the usurper is seated due to this brazen, massive crime, no election will ever have meaning again because they will be all be frauds from here forward.
Interesting points but not want the vast majority of posters here want to hear...better get the old flame suit on lol
He DIDN’T LOSE!!! It was stolen!!! Are you the ghost of John McCain??
Youre living a pipe dream if you think all of this is going to work for Republicans on containing Biden (really Kamala eventually). Trump presence kept the impulses of the RINOs at bay and a WH can still do damage through executive order and regulations (Green Deal) and dont start me on them starting new wars and conflicts
Bet you life and your children's and grandchildren's lives on it?
Executive orders don't need congress, and the blue states will be more than willing to implement them. Red politicians will go along in the spirit of bipartisanship.
2022? Who gets to gerrymander the district lines before then, hmmmm?
You are NOT going to get away with your Suburban Wymen media fan fiction.
The polls are all trash, but even according to them Trump improved with White Women. The only group that Trump lost ground with in the exit poll was White Men.
How does it feel to have your narrative destroyed?