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FLASHBACK: 1999 FreeRepublic thread, started by "A Book Writer" (Jeffrey Toobin)

Posted on 10/21/2020 1:56:02 PM PDT by dead

From's Wayback machine, just an old nugget for giggles. Toobin showed up here and asked Freepers "for information" but most of us figured out what he was really doing. He was never going to investigate anything Freepers provided (and in 1999, we had a lot!). He was only fishing for the most outrageous things he could quote in his Clinton apologia and contend that everybody aligned against that dirty old rapist was some kind of right wing lunatic. Of course, I never read his book, but somebody confirmed that any mention of FR was concerning the dark forces aligned against Poor Innocent Bill and Hillary. Some people were polite to him, but most of us told him to go ____ himself. Twenty years later, he did.

An Appeal for Help From a Book Writer

My name is Jeffrey Toobin, and I am a staff writer at The New Yorker and the legal analyst for ABC News. I am writing a book, to be published next year by Random House, on the Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky cases. I have been struck by the level of detailed analysis that some Freepers have done on these cases. I would like anyone who is interested to send me old or new posts which include this analysis. I am most interested in your work on texts like the Starr report. I am less interested in purely ideological statements. I cannot guarantee that I will agree with all or any of what you send me, but I do want to see what you have to say. Many thanks.

Posted by: Book writer ( *
04/21/99 06:33:54 PDT

To: Book writer
I've heard that the working title of Toobin's book is "Vast Conspiracy." Be wary of him.
From: JOHN ADAMS () *
04/21/99 06:38:33 PDT

To: Book writer
I believe the archives are open to anyone, help yourself.
Why should Freepers do your research?

From: Lonnie ( *
04/21/99 06:42:01 PDT

Give Toobin what he is asking for -- if he wants to misrepresent us he will get the same treatment here as other spinners. I think he has an open mind -- maybe the title is ironic, or refers to the VLWC we are fighting.
From: VeritatisSplendor () *
04/21/99 06:42:22 PDT

This is not the TV legal analyst who chose to put the law before his own liberal leanings and concluded Clinton had committed perjury. That was Prof. Jonathan Turley whom I admire for saying the truth even though it was politically painful and perhaps damaging to his future prospects.
No, this is ACLU-member and Dershowitz wannabe Jeffery Toobin who, from what I recall, never let the law get in the way of his politics while Clinton and his proxies were lying like dogs on a daily basis.
If he asks for the shirt of your back then give it to him. Just don't be surprised if he eventually claims it was his all along or blames you because it doesn't fit. That's what liberals generally do.

From: Tall_Texan ( *
04/21/99 06:54:11 PDT

To: Book writer
Will there be a chapter on the people who lay Dead in that man's tracks, or just the people he laid?
Get a grip. You media types should be ashamed of yourselves for all the covering up you've done over the years. The lot of you.
From: Fone (what_a_crock) *
04/21/99 06:56:24 PDT

To: Book writer
For everyone, this guy is legit.

Jeffrey Toobin ----Legal Analyst, Good Morning America

Jeffrey Toobin has been a legal analyst for ABCNEWS since October 1996. Toobin has provided legal analysis on the nation’s most provocative cases, including the O.J. Simpson civil trial and the Kenneth Starr investigation of the Clinton White House.

Toobin is also a staff writer at The New Yorker and author of the best-selling book The Run of His Life: The People v. O.J. Simpson. During his tenure at The New Yorker, Toobin has written articles on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Oliver North’s campaign for the U.S. Senate and the murder trial of O.J. Simpson.

Previously, he served as Assistant United States Attorney in Brooklyn, N.Y. In addition, he was an associate counsel in the Office of Independent Counsel Lawrence E. Walsh, an experience that provided the basis for his book Opening Arguments: A Young Lawyer’s First Case — United States v. Oliver North.

Toobin is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School.

From: AGreatPer (emailname) *
04/21/99 07:07:43 PDT

To: Fone
But, they don't think they have covered up anything. The media, has convinced themselves that they are unbiased and fair. Problems is, most wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit them on the nose. The media appears to be mostly blind to the truth, they have tunnel vision, in which they can only see what they believe and can't bring themselves to face the truth. It's just to darn inconvenient. They have to follow the party line or risk losing all there goodies.
From: MsLady ( *
04/21/99 07:07:57 PDT

To: Book writer
A few thoughts if you are intending to be an honest observer.

What you had in the Paula Jones and much more so in the Monica Lewinsky situation was a struggle waged on three different yet equally valid battlefields. Legal, political, and cultural. A proper analysis in my opinion would take into account the lay of the land on each and the intersections between them. Thus, each affected the other, but all three had distinct ground rules and differing objectives from the others. It is sort of like Star Trek's Three Dimensional Chess.

A move on one level would affect and be affected by the impact it would have on the others.

The flaw in the above analogy is that it posits two roughly equal and opposing masterminds moving the pieces. However, in reality the entire mess was caused by one person and the resulting tumult was and is the natural results of differing people with differing roles and agendas reacting to the outrage, and in turn others reacting in outrage over the outraged.

Thus, if there really would have been a working and viable Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to topple the President, it would have to be considered stunningly incompetent, because many decisions were made at different levels by different people that, if they would have gone differently, would have drastically changed the outcome.

But he dodged the bullet he aimed at himself by his own serious and deep character flaws.

Which gets us to the meat of the matter. No book can do justice to the topic if it doesn't take a good hard look at the character of Bill Clinton and those who supported him. Because, if indeed Bill Clinton is a pathological liar who has a history of sexual assault and rape, treason, perjury, and other felonies, the real story here is how could a man like that become President of the United States and stay there after it became public knowledge?
From: The Man (emailname) *
04/21/99 07:10:31 PDT

To: Book writer
. I cannot guarantee that I will agree with all or any of what you send me, but I do want to see what you have to say

Gee Mr Toobin, you dont agree with me at all
From: woofie (emailname) *
04/21/99 07:14:03 PDT

To: Book writer

Why don't you get off your *ss and wear out a little shoe leather yourself?

Perhaps then you and your cronies will discover for yourself what many FreepNiks here have known for years -- while you and the rest of the sycophants were busy licking Bill's boots. Typical -- you expect Freepers to do all the work, while you get all the credit -- and, more importantly, you get to apply the "correct" slant.

Buzz off, lazy. Go swallow another White House press briefing.

From: Hemingway's Ghost ( *
04/21/99 07:14:21 PDT

To: Hemingway's Ghost
From: MsLady ( *
04/21/99 07:18:48 PDT

To: Book writer
Read "People of the Lie" by M Scott Peck..........then tell us again how Bills lies are no big Starr is out of control etc...dont forget Juanita B
From: woofie (emailname) *
04/21/99 07:20:23 PDT

To: Book writer
Read "People of the Lie" by M Scott Peck..........then tell us again how Bills lies are no big Starr is out of control etc...dont forget Juanita B
From: woofie (emailname) *
04/21/99 07:21:36 PDT

To: AGreatPer
Mr.Toobin consistently defended Clinton, and put partisanship ahead of the law, and this country.
Enough said.
From: MamaLucci ( *
04/21/99 07:23:23 PDT

To: Book writer
How about doing your own thinking, Toobin?

Or, is it simply standard practice for liberal book-writer's to incestuously copy and plagiarize thoughts they receive from same-thinking people? Come to think of it, maybe your request is symptomatic: liberals frequently seem to be lost within a self-created, circular thinking, dialectic jungle. And, what else is there to say other than that which passes liberalism's dialectic tests?

Just one word of advice - don't avoid ideological maxims; there is much to learn from conservative maxims such as "God helps those who help themselves."
From: Jurisprudence () *
04/21/99 07:24:01 PDT

To: Book writer
Mr. Toobin: Sorry, I forgot: My previous post above on bio of Mr. Toobin is Copyright 1998 ABC News. It is posted for educational purposes only.
From: AGreatPer (emailname) *
04/21/99 07:24:28 PDT

To: AGreatPer
not only that but if you read the New Yorker you can see what a suck up to Bill he was
From: woofie (emailname) *
04/21/99 07:24:45 PDT

To: AGreatPer
Toobin is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School.

Really !!!
From: BluH2o (emailname) *
04/21/99 07:26:15 PDT

To: Book writer
Har, I think it was brave of you to identify yourself.

Since the system crash the other day, a lot of the archives are missing - it's a big problem. I hope JimRob is working on it.

I'm not sure if this is wise, but Dukeman's work is so good....
From: donna (emailname) *
04/21/99 07:30:17 PDT

To: Lonnie

I don't agree with your approach, though it is understandable. When we campaigned for Prop 209, we were as helpful to the press as we could be. It's right in Christian Charity, and minds can be changed by facts, even liberals' minds. Besides, you help the reporter avoid embarrasing errors, which as a professional he doesn't want to do, even if he disagrees with you. You help him write a truer story, and if your side is right, that's all to the good. At the worst, you've wasted your time in a good faith effort. Worse things could happen.

Richard Ferrier
From: rdf ( *
04/21/99 07:54:54 PDT


History is written by the liberals. -Richard M. Nixon-

This is a perfect example of the fork in the road. FReepers can decide whether we will all sit around and preach to our own choir or whether we will make a difference in the world.

Helping a writer who will leave a written version of these sad events in our country's history will have a tremendous impact.

Besides, maybe Mr. Toobin has the intellectual integrity to look at the evidence and see that, like Judge Wright, we can all see contempt, "obvious lies" and obstruction of justice and have his perspective changed.

Oh, Mr. Toobin, please make sure Juanita Broaddrick gets treated with the same respect you would show Anita Hill. Thanks and good luck with your book.
From: Lndshk ( *
04/21/99 08:09:18 PDT

To: rdf
Dear Freepers,

I am about to do a little landscaping, at my home in New York State. I started thinking that landscaping is hard work, and I was wondering if some of you would like to come by with mowers or rakes. Landscaping strains my back, and I thought you guys would be eager to do it for me.
Thanks in advance,

From: dead ( *
04/21/99 08:09:27 PDT

To: All + Book writer
... Give the guy a break. Maybe now that he sees something other than the economy is a stake when a president is free to lie, even in a court of law. With war and rumors of war, character does begin to matter. Maybe he is one of those extremely rare Ivy League products that actually "knows" someone in the military who will have to face death in Bill's adventure in Legacy Building in the Balkans. Maybe he woke up in a cold sweat after hearing that the Russians are re-targeting their nukes. I'm not even the evangelical Christian type, but I do believe that anyone can have a change of heart.

Mr. Toobin,
I'm a little busy today and tomorrow, but hopefully before the weekend, I will find time to comb the archives for some of the information you request. I will forward it as I find it. I think you will see some justifiable (and some not) invective against Clinton. But you will also find more in the way of thoughtful comment and legal analysis by Freepers than you will see on most network talking head programs, and infinitely more than on any other on-line forum that I am aware of. There are some who hang out here that you would not want to oppose in either a court room or in an open debate.

As to your final product… you owe nothing other than intellectual honesty. In the world of ABC and the New Yorker, I can find little evidence that concept exists. But hope springs eternal. To paraphrase Nancy Reagan, "Just say no" to the Establishment PC Puritans. Publish the facts as you find them and let the reader decide.
From: Ditto ( *
04/21/99 08:09:36 PDT

To: Jim Robinson
Are the missing archives lost forever?
From: donna (emailname) *
04/21/99 08:12:33 PDT

To: donna
ss has hard copies (LOL)- gonzo will get them for you.
From: flanew (emailname) *
04/21/99 08:23:46 PDT

To: Lonnie
"I believe the archives are open to anyone, help yourself. Why should Freepers do your research?"

Really!! What a jerk, but sooo typical of these types..too lazy to get out from behind the desk.
From: hope (emailname) *
04/21/99 08:24:53 PDT

To: Book writer
In the for-what-it's-worth-department: You've gotten your share of "flames" above, and probably justifiably so. You've obviously tapped into a LOT of pent-up frustration and anger (and all equally well-justified). HOWEVER, if you are one of the few media types who is finally coming to his senses about what many of us have known for years, then welcome aboard. Just know that FReepers aren't stupid, and will never help someone bent on more mindless pro-Clinton spin. If your effort in your book is to address that ever-elusive thing called "truth", then more power to ya. Convince some folks here of that, you'll have some unbelievable help. Screw over this group, you'll probably regret it. Your choice, and I hope you're sincere. If so, best of luck.
From: RightOnline (emailname) *
04/21/99 08:32:51 PDT


I too am a "book writer" and the first thing I will say is that Jeffrey Toobin is just ripping you guys off to do his research - what fun for Jeffrey! Pocket a nice check for his advance and then get "the right wing wackos" to do his research for him!!!


DO NOT BE FLATTERED BY HOW "IMPRESSED" HE ALLEGEDLY IS WITH SOME FREEPER'S ARGUMENTS. The other point of the book is to cleanse the outrageious liberal propagandists' reputations for history. The book is meant to distort the historical record - BEWARE!

And you TOOBIN - do your own damn research and for your cheap slime job - the archives are accessible to all! The stench of your reputation preceeds you, sir.

From: Anochka (emailname) *
04/21/99 08:38:48 PDT

To: Book writer
Harvard College, Harvard Law School, The New Yorker (home of Jane Meyer {sp} of leaking Linda Tripp personnel file fame and former employer of Sid Blumenthal) and ABC News (which fired Zelnick for writing the Gore book), and you want help from us!

You gotta be kidding!!!! (You are kidding, right?)
From: mitzi ( *
04/21/99 08:40:15 PDT

To: Anochka
Doesn't The Mouse have enough money to hire proper researchers for ABCIA News?

And I agree with you. ;-)
From: Prince Charles ( *
04/21/99 08:42:15 PDT

To: dead
HA HA HA HA hA hA hA hA HA! When are you going to write your book?
From: R2 ( *
04/21/99 08:48:56 PDT

To: dead
Dead, you kill me.

I also live in New York. I can't stop by but I'll loan you my mower.
From: CaptRon (emailname) *
04/21/99 08:56:10 PDT

To: AGreatPer
"Toobin is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School."

More fuel on the "Dershowitz wannabe" Liberal Weasel fire.

Do your own research, rodent.


From: jimgib ( *
04/21/99 09:05:21 PDT

To: dead
Hee, hee,hee!!! Loved it!
From: vikingchick (recovering liberal) *
04/21/99 09:06:11 PDT

To: dead
I love you, man! You really should get a writing gig! (So should I, BTW. If you do first, tell me how you did it!) —Dan
From: BibChr ( *
04/21/99 09:10:10 PDT

To: All you grumps
It is always a good idea to be better than you enemy. It'll tide you over during the hard times. If I do a good turn for someone and they stiff me - the burden is theirs. A clear conscience and a soft heart are my reward.
From: donna (emailname) *
04/21/99 09:11:17 PDT

To: Book writer
Be sure to check the articles listed in the pull down menu of the NBC boycott site.

Don't add a "www". Good luck. BTW, as this weekend is the 'anniversary' (an unfortunate way of putting it) of the rape, we'll be outside the WH with a RAPIST banner on Saturday.
From: Doctor Raoul ( *
04/21/99 09:13:06 PDT

To: donna
I'm with you donna...

What if Toobin tells his friends? Maybe more libs will lurk or come here for can that be bad? I thought the objective here was to root out corruption and try to restore our Republic. Didn't realize we were all supposed to sit around a cyber campfire and talk to only those who agree with us...
From: Lndshk ( *
04/21/99 09:14:57 PDT

To: dead
dead, you slay me! Let me hop in the car and I'll be there in, say, 15 hours.
From: FRed Mertz (LucyI' *
04/21/99 09:18:20 PDT

To: Anochka
I don't have a problem with pointing Toobin to the sources. If he reads Cynthia Alknse's guest editorial in WSJ and the two NY Observer pieces that don't side with WJC in the least, then that's worth something. I really believe that it's because people don't know much about the Broaddrick story that keeps it from running him out of office. Every person that will at least listen for two minutes is disturbed by the facts.

For instance, the interview was aired opposite the Grammys with less than 24 hours of notice. The was no "publicity" per say. That you can not order a copy of that Dateline episode and the local affiates can not use the tape. People understand that. My biggest and best move is to tell them, call Dateline and try to order the 2/24/99 episode, you can't. Call you NBC affiliate and ask if they can use the Broaddrick interview tapes or is it "embargoed"? After I say that, there are few people who simply pass it off as another of Clinton's "bimbo erruptions".

If he takes that and spins it, ultimately that's between him and God, and I don't think it will go well for Toobin. One of my favorite images is Clinton pleading his case before God, why he was right and not wrong on whatever the issue may have been. I really believe that Clinton feels he can BS God too!
From: Doctor Raoul ( *
04/21/99 09:26:58 PDT

To: Lndshk
Well said Landshark.

Freepers retract claws,help this man out it can do no harm,but it may much good.

Common sense and truth will shine through any fog to enlighten those not perpetually in the dark.
From: HEAVYD ( *
04/21/99 09:28:14 PDT

To: Doctor Raoul
"my favorite images is Clinton pleading his case before God, why he was right and not wrong on whatever the issue may have been. I really believe that Clinton feels he can BS God too!"

Truly a sight to behold...thanks for painting that pic for my minds eye...ROFLOL!
From: hope (emailname) *
04/21/99 09:33:55 PDT

To: Book writer
My fees start at $600.00 dollars a day for analysis and research. If you are interested, I can be contactd here. All of my formal papers published here or elsewhere are copywrited.
From: RLK (emailname) *
04/21/99 09:39:18 PDT

To: Book writer
Book writer is sooo drab. Surely your imagination can do better than that.:-))

I mean, I just got up and my mental floggings are more inspired than Book writer.

P.S. First you run the gauntlet of Verbal Insults,
then patiently wait while your true motives are determined,
then you must endure the analysis of your public work,
then perhaps a few more twists and turns but eventually,
the freeper calvary will come to your aid.

Welcome, and enjoy your journey here!
From: po'boy (emailname) *
04/21/99 09:43:21 PDT

To: Toobin Fans
What does Mr Toobin really think? Check it out.

"I think it is safe to say that the President committed no crime in Whitewater, and in fact, the whole "scandal" may have been blown out of proportion."

Q: "Jeffrey, Is it true that if President Clinton resigns and Al Gore take the reigns Gore may only serve one term plus the remaining time of Clinton's watch?

A: Not true. The Constitution says that you can be elected twice, so Gore could serve for the remainder of Clinton's and then the two terms following.

Q: Why isn't gathering tons of FBI files on Republicans considered an abuse of power?

A: Because there is no evidence that the President personally knew about this activity or supported it in any way.
From: Prince Charles ( *
04/21/99 09:47:12 PDT

To: Doctor Raoul
My biggest and best move is to tell them, call Dateline and try to order the 2/24/99 episode, you can't. Call you NBC affiliate and ask if they can use the Broaddrick interview tapes or is it "embargoed"?

On Lucianne's show last weekend, she told Doug from Upland that she has spoken to Juanita Broaddrick and it is Juanita who does not want the interview distributed or aired any further. As I understand it, Juanita is restricting NBC from further use or distribution of the tape.
From: dittomom () *
04/21/99 09:51:38 PDT

To: Ditto
"...As to your final product… you owe nothing other than intellectual honesty. In the world of ABC and the New Yorker, I can find little evidence that concept exists. But hope springs eternal. To paraphrase Nancy Reagan, "Just say no" to the Establishment PC Puritans. Publish the facts as you find them and let the reader decide..."

I am somewhat embarrassed by the outpouring of nastiness toward this writer, with the exception of your message and relatively few others. The thing I dislike most about many liberals is the smarmy, smart-aleck way they have of denigrating people who are being civil to them. So we dish out the exact same treatment to somebody who asks a courteous question. All anybody had to say is a polite "Here's how you search the archives", which aren't even operable at present. Mr. Toobin may have thought that people had their own archives of some of the material not available on the site. These kinds of reactions make me wonder when people lost the ability to even have a civil conversation without the insults, did this many people attend the Bart Simpson School of Etiquette? I may disagree with Mr. Toobin philosophically on many issues, but I welcome the chance to exchange views and let him know why I feel about Clinton as I do. If he misrepresents anything from FR, then fine, raise hell. Sometimes folks around here make it so easy for people to write us all off as a bunch of fringe wackos who can't actually discuss anything.
From: Mjaye ( *
04/21/99 10:00:31 PDT

To: Mjaye
In life, sometimes people have abused your hospitality before they ever show up at your door. A good case can be made that Mr. Toobin is one of these people. But, hey maybe he is or is about to experience his moment of truth that many supporters and especially former supporters of Bill Clinton have undergone.
From: The Man (emailname) *
04/21/99 10:08:21 PDT

To: Book writer
Hell, Toobin, if all these wonderful Freepers will do the grunt work for me, I'll write a book. Piece of cake.
From: Mind-numbed Robot ( *
04/21/99 10:16:13 PDT

To: Mjaye
I expected flames and I sure got them. But I also have received (especially through e-mail) much helpful information and guidance. I am, of course, doing my own research as well; but I'd like to be pointed towards things I might otherwise miss. Thanks to all.
From: Book writer ( *
04/21/99 10:17:18 PDT

To: Book writer
Sorry, the dog ate my homework.
From: Old Professer (emailname) *
04/21/99 10:22:00 PDT

To: Mjaye

Well, where's the link?????
From: Old Professer (emailname) *
04/21/99 10:24:31 PDT

To: Mjaye
I pay homage to "Ode to Civility". However, have you ever had someone who has habitually abused you, politely ask a favor? A civil response is more than some of us can muster. I am trying to improve, but I ain't there yet.
From: Mind-numbed Robot ( *
04/21/99 10:25:16 PDT

To: Book writer
Book writer:

Flippancy is a gut-response around here; why can't we just let "sleeping dogs" die?
From: Old Professer (emailname) *
04/21/99 10:27:00 PDT

To: Book writer
OK....let's see if you can make this honest and objective. Please explain to the public why one of Hillary Clinton's best friends sought out a friendship with Linda Tripp in July of 1997, mere days after Monica told Clinton that she might know about their little servicing agreement. The lady in question also seems to have links with Vernon Jordan. The story was in the archives but seem to be offline since Jim redid the site.
From: Brian Mosely ( *
04/21/99 10:28:32 PDT

To: Book writer
The problem with most mainstream observers of the Lewinsky story is that they treat it as if it were an aberration from Clinton's normal behavior. It is not. It is, rather, a snapshot of typical Clinton behavior that he happened to be caught at. The bottom line on this story is Clinton's behavior, not the vast right-wing conspiracy. This story was not manufactured.

An honest book about this story would have to include real investigations into the real roles of Bruce Lindsey, Cheryl Mills, Linda Asnes, and the rest of the coverup team. We learned Sidney Blumenthal's job (thanks to Christopher Hitchens), but the role of the others is largely unpublicized.
From: denydenydeny (emailname) *
04/21/99 10:35:58 PDT

To: Book writer
I am, of course, doing my own research as well; but I'd like to be pointed towards things I might otherwise miss.

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to which research will bear more weight in Mr. Toobin's final analysis -- his own, or the FreepNik's?

Sorry to be such a cynic, but I think anyone from this forum that helps this guy is going to feel like a sucker after (or if) this book ever comes out. Mr. Toobin could've just lurked here for a month and accumulated enough research to write several books, if he were interested in the truth. Methinks with this effort he's simply trying to get some homey "anecdotes" from card-carrying members of the Radical Lunatic Right Wing.

Actually, I hope I'm wrong and Mr. Toobin isn't playing you all for suckers. After all, "truth is stranger than fiction (Jerome Horwitz)..."

From: Hemingway's Ghost ( *
04/21/99 10:38:18 PDT

To: Brian Mosely
The name you are looking for is Linda Asnes.
From: denydenydeny (emailname) *
04/21/99 10:40:47 PDT

To: Anochka
The book is meant to distort the historical record - BEWARE!

Shocking. You mean a Clinton supporter would distort truth ?

Next you will tell me he would try to hide the fact we have a rapist president who sells out to the Chinese for measly campaign contributions who is willing to bomb countries to distract everyone from his own misdeeds.
From: Raycpa ( *
04/21/99 11:02:20 PDT

To: Doctor Raoul + ALL - FULL ALERT!

God bless the gentle hearts on FR. I admire you tons, Doctor R, but I must respectfully disagree.

Does anyone really think Toobin doesn't know what he was doing? Do you really think Toobin was just a victim of WH spin? He was a collaborator for heaven's sake - they all were. The only exceptions are Michael Kelly and Chris Hitchens - and look what's happened with them! (Kelly lost the editorship of The New Republic because his boss, the forever lisping creep whose name eludes me now thinks Al Gore is his ticket into the WH power circle - guy used to be Al's prof at Harvard...and no LIBERALS protested that injustice shown a principled member of their own crowd.) Turley is another honest man, but he's in academia....

This book Toobin intends to write is a premeditated effort to muddy the waters. He knows he's a collaborator in deceit - he is attempting to adjust the historical record - for his elitist socio-fascist pals and himself. Random House is one of the biggest purveyors of liberal intellectual mediocrity in the publishing business.

Toobin's appeal to FR is an attempt to defeat JimRob and the archives - a tremendous resource for future historians. The easiest way to do that is to discredit the record-keepers - YOU!!!

Do any of you actually think an opportunist like Toobin is going to write a book that discredits his own positon and role in keeping the criminal Bubbaboon and his downmarket Lady MacBeth in the WH? My God - Harvard College, Harvard Law??? He's one of the chosen! Think he's going to step outside the magic circle???

Go ahead and help him, but I assure you not a one of you will recognize yourselves, your convictions or your work once this guy is done - there is no other reason for such a visible and documentable collaborator in deceit to be writing this book; and there is no other reason for the timid, anxious-to-please mainstream dimwits at Random House to be publishing him on this subject.

From: Anochka (emailname) *
04/21/99 11:03:11 PDT

To: Book writer
Hi Jeff!

Researchers that we are, here's a little nuggett!

Jeffrey Toobin covered the O.J. Simpson trial for the New Yorker. A year after the verdict, he has come out with an exhaustive and fascinating book: The Run Of His Life: The People Vs. O.J. Simpson.

In this exclusive interview he (Toobin) explains how he discovered the record of detective Mark Fuhrman's racist past and why he went with his discovery to the defense. He and Danna Schaeffer discuss his insights into the major players in the trial of the century.

Amazing! You helped a killer get away with murder and then wrote a book to exploit it!

Sorry, you'll be getting no help from me! (and you can put THAT in your book.)

From: Northeast () *
04/21/99 11:03:25 PDT

To: Book writer

Jeff! I thought we were going to move on so Clinton could do the work that the American people elected him to do, why write a book about a subject that people aren't interested in? ; )

Instead, why not write a book about the Chinese, Clinton, the '96 election and the theft of our nuclear technology. Maybe you have kids Jeff, aren't you even concerned about their future? Heck, Gerth won a Pulitzer for his work in this area. Unfortunately, I guess to sell books today you have to have the sex angle to get anyone interested, huh?
Simply pick up the phone and call some of the people that have avoided testifying before congress, like John Huang and others. Jeff, Huang has only been deposed by Judicial Watch...
you could be a hero and make lots of cash while you're at it!
Ask the Justice Department why they didn't grant a phone tap on suspected Los Alamos spy Mr. Lee's phone (out of more than 2,000 requests his was the only denial). Or fly over to China & Indonesia where you can get exclusive interviews from all the people that illegally contributed to the 96 election-that's where they are hanging out. Wow, goosepimples are-a-poppin as I imagine the story you could write that would surely become a NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER!!!! .
You could have a blockbuster!
Jeff, don't miss out on this opportunity. We want ya. We want you to saddle-up and join the ranks of Freepers who have rallied against tyranny in the pursuit of truth, justice and the American way! IT COULD HAPPEN. Jeff, email me so we can send the FReeper van out to snatch and deprogram ya!

Hey honey, don't post that...he would never write a

From: Registered ( *
04/21/99 11:24:26 PDT

To: Northeast
In my ever so humble opinion(as someone who watched nearly every minute of the trial)the case against OJ was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt.The law says that if two scenarios can be reasonably formulated using the evidence presented at trial,one pointing to innocence the other to guilt.The juror,by law,must return an innocent verdict.Thats a mighty high standard of proof,but thats the law and it is correct.

btw Mr.Toobin is not my hero,just a new Freeper who will get an even break from me.
From: HEAVYD ( *
04/21/99 11:25:47 PDT

To: Anochka
"Toobin's appeal to FR is an attempt to defeat JimRob and the archives"
You flatter Toobin a little too much with this kind of talk. Do you really believe he considers himself capable of accomplishing such a feat? We know he likes Bill - which we agree makes him nuts - so maybe we need not worry too much about his writings.
From: nova () *
04/21/99 11:42:37 PDT

To: Anochka
From: CitizenX () *
04/21/99 11:49:18 PDT

To: Old Professer
"Well, where's the link?????"

Well, that's my point, many of the links don't even work due to the changeover to the new format, even for those of us familiar with this site. It's not unexpected that a visitor would have problems. Hope our data isn't lost for good!
From: Mjaye ( *
04/21/99 12:01:20 PDT

To: CitizenX
Why don't we do an expose on Toobin. We can start by posting his credit report and tax returns. (follow the money) we can then search his trash for anything useful. This would be a far more interesting project than helping him with his Clinton appoligist piece of crap.
From: SoD (emailname) *
04/21/99 12:02:36 PDT

To: Book writer
Take this and put it in your book: Male bosses can now get away with dropping their drawers in front of unsuspecting females on the job. Male bosses can have on the job sex with the lowest most pathetic female on the payroll. Male bosses can mount a trashing campaign against any female who comes forward with a grievance. And if they are slick enough, male bosses can exploit others to enable their behavior. Heck, they can even get away with rape. Thanks a lot Bill Clinton. Dear writer: All the FACTS are already out there. What you need is a conscience!!!
From: Saundra Duffy ( *
04/21/99 12:07:28 PDT

To: Mind-numbed Robot
"...I pay homage to "Ode to Civility". However, have you ever had someone who has habitually abused you, politely ask a favor? A civil response is more than some of us can muster. I am trying to improve, but I ain't there yet..."

And I fully understand that. What got to me this time was that I used to visit a legal site populated almost entirely by liberals on an online service. I used to very respectfully disagree with some of them, and invariably got jumped in a feeding frenzy of viscious bashing. This thread just had that same tone to it, and it made me feel very uncomfortable that we are treating people the way the legal site people did. I suppose that those familiar with Mr. Toobin's writing already have their own opinions of where he stands politically, but it won't hurt anyone to be civil, and people might tend to actually listen to us.
From: Mjaye ( *
04/21/99 12:09:18 PDT

To: Book writer + all: the solution
SEND JIM ROB a nice, fat 6-figure check and he'll provide you with the data.
Short of that, your motives are suspect, sir.
From: Fone ( *
04/21/99 12:44:12 PDT

To: Book writer
Freepers are tired of journalists who bend the truth to exploit situations to further their socialist agendas and attempts by media-types to demonize people who hold values to (again) further their poitical agendas. We bemoan the state of our nation as a product of liberal idiologies and social engineering only to have the media blame us and everyone else but themselves when something in society goes awry. If the media were not a conduit of ideas into people's minds, why do advertisers spend so much money on them?
From: rbosque () *
04/21/99 12:56:31 PDT

To: Book writer
I cannot guarantee that I will agree with all or any of what you send me, but I do want to see what you have to say.

Mighty white of you, Mr. Toobin. I respectfully suggest you rummage around in our archives, do a little work yourself instead of asking the rest of us to do it for you. I've been hearing rumors recently that the media are lazy. We'll see how true that is when you are faced with doing your own research.
From: M² (emailname) *
04/21/99 13:43:54 PDT

To: AGreatPer
None of the "credentials" you mention make him worthy of any one of us putting himself out for his efforts. Let him eat crow.
From: M² (emailname) *
04/21/99 13:45:58 PDT

To: rdf
Nice try. But this is a hopeless cause.
From: M² (emailname) *
04/21/99 13:48:25 PDT

To: nova

No, nova, I don't believe Toobin is capable of defeating the truth or JimRob. I do believe the book is an effort to dispense with "the right" and the arguments conservatives made regarding Bubbaboon's corrupt govt. The Random House book will be THE mainstream book on the right wing & Clinton, and therefore it will be endlessly quoted and repeated. Toobin will use a judicious slection of posts and threads and other bits and pieces of FR to discredit us. Since journalists are lazy, they will look no further - Toobin will have constructed all the arguments and accumulated the observations to marginalize the right's views on this issue. As the lie is repeated and repeated, it will become received wisdom....and it will take a truly curious professional historian several decades hence to correct the record.

From: Anochka (emailname) *
04/21/99 15:43:52 PDT

To: Anochka
A., I've done a quick web search on Mr. Toobin,... former special prosecutor under Lawrence Walsh, interesting views on sexual harassment law, an interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air (NPR), a nice article recently in the New Yorker on D.P. Moynihan (but the old buzzard still voted to acquit), and a book on the O.J. trial. The New Yorker occasionally does good work (Seymour Hersch on "Wag the Dog" in the Sudan comes to mind), however, for the most part I think the tone was set by Jane Meyer and that quasi-orgasmic account of the Blair-Clinton state dinner by former editor Tina Brown. Perhaps we should require a few letters of recommendation from Mr. Toobin, I think one from fellow lawyer Ann Coulter and his Conde Nast associate Christopher Hitchens would be a good start. A hefty contribution to would be nice as well, to defray all those leagal bills generated by the Washington Post and others of that ilk. I for one have been leery of the press ever since I was called a "monster on the mall" in George magazine....and I tried to look my best for CNN and C-Span... sniff sniff.
From: Memphis Belle ( *
04/21/99 15:56:44 PDT

To: Memphis Belle
PS, has anyone considered that this all may be a huge joke?????
From: Memphis Belle ( *
04/21/99 16:05:04 PDT

To: Book writer

My name is Jeffrey Toobin, and I am a staff writer at The New Yorker and the legal analyst for ABC News. I am writing a book, to be published next year by Random House...

I am a staff writer at The New Yorker...
Stike #1.

...and the legal analyst for ABC News.
Strik #2.

I am writing a book, to be published next year by Random House...
Strike #3.

Yerrrrrrrrrrr outa here!

Have a nice day Mr Toobin. Don't forget your kneepads.

From: RR ( *
04/21/99 16:05:54 PDT

To: AGreatPer
The issue is not the bona the guy willing or capable of writing an unbiased story?
From: rowdee ( *
04/21/99 16:11:37 PDT

To: Memphis Belle

Memphis Belle, check out Prince Charles' great post on Toobin above, Registered's is awful nice too and there was another one I can't find now which pointed out that it was Toobin who dug up the dirt on Mark Furman and then ran to the defense team with it! So the Harvard resume is nice, but the actual facts tell a dirty story.

Were you really called "the monster on the mall"???? Not Memphis Belle! The media, pure scum - what else can I say? And I'm one of them! Aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiai!

From: Anochka (emailname) *
04/21/99 16:17:58 PDT

To: Book writer
Unless Mr. Toobin were to make a healthy donation to FR, I would not be inclined to do his work for him for which he will receive big bucks! He's just another cheap-skate!
From: ForceTen (emailname) *
04/21/99 16:21:52 PDT

To: Book writer
I have been struck by the level of detailed analysis that some Freepers have done on these cases.

Excuse me......but just what does that mean? I don't mean to be overly sensitive but since you say you're not interested in our ideology, just what was it that struck you....the fact that we can type??......Our ideology is why we analyse and react! Why the Starr report???....because we were so successful in getting it released?....Maybe you're planning to write a primer about Freepers....No matter I don't trust the LIBERAL media. All you live for is to advance YOUR socialist (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt) ideology.

Cincinatus' wife
From: Cincinatus () *
04/21/99 16:49:44 PDT

To: Book writer
I cannot guarantee that I will agree with all or any of what you send me,

One more thing......Do you believe, that you have to agree with what someone says, to include it?.......Or, do you selectively shape things so that what you agree with, comes out pretty and pink? I think you call it BIASED reporting.

Cincinatus' wife
From: Cincinatus () *
04/21/99 16:59:41 PDT

To: woofie
Whats the only difference between the Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky? Paula said no and Monica said yes.

And just at how differently they were treated by the press and the democrats.
From: Dana113 (emailname) *
04/21/99 17:00:49 PDT

To: Anochka
Anochka--thanks for your advice to FREEPERS. Since meeting you last October, I particularly read (and enjoy) your posts when I see your name.

This sounds a bit peculiar to me, also. You would know this far better than I--but, could this just be a shortcut by Mr. Toobin to get permission (or a release) to use someone's words previously printed? I think this bears watching. "Out of context" printouts can be disastrous to the original writer, IMHO.

From: lurkysis (emailname) *
04/21/99 17:25:07 PDT

OJ: You're the only one I've found that I agree with. I simply could not overcome the thought of that vial of OJ's blood in that cop's pocket - while he returned to the crime scene! In my mind, anything was possible after that.
From: donna (emailname) *
04/21/99 17:40:26 PDT

To: donna
Yes,Vanatter being a seasoned veteran would have known about chain of custody procedures.There were many such inconsistencies.What simply astounded me was the difference in actual testimony when spun by the newsreader at days end.I learned much that year.
From: HEAVYD ( *
04/21/99 18:05:41 PDT

To: Book writer
Dear Jeffrey,

If you need help in analysis for your book, maybe you shouldn't be doing it.
From: metalbird1 () *
04/21/99 18:18:14 PDT

To: Book writer
The New Yorker is not filled with folks who are Friends Of Freepers or Friends Of The Truth (FOF and FOTT respectively) -- soooo, if you are either a FOF or a FOTT, you may want to think twice before giving this gent any ammunition. My view, anyway.
From: Phaedrus ( *
04/21/99 18:28:28 PDT

To: Book writer
OK Jeff, we have flamed you and given you some good info. Hey, that is the way it goes here. Of course, you knew that coming in and asking your question.

Let me quote from Brian Mosley: OK....let's see if you can make this honest and objective. Please explain to the public why one of Hillary Clinton's best friends sought out a friendship with Linda Tripp in July of 1997, mere days after Monica told Clinton that she might know about their little servicing agreement. The lady in question also seems to have links with Vernon Jordan. The story was in the archives but seem to be offline since Jim redid the site. From: Brian Mosely (bmosely@hotmail.c

My point sir is we have given to you, don't you think you could give us a little morsile of an answer???????????

Anyway, this thread is going to go away soon. After the Freeper efforts, please give us a bone to pick on. You know, something juicy. Answer Brian Mosley's question.

Regards, and best wishes on your upcoming book. P.S. I can't help myself: Will you be a lurker at the Manager's Dinner on May 4th?
From: AGreatPer (emailname) *
04/21/99 20:16:51 PDT

To: Mjaye
You speak words of wisdom. The level of gratuitous flaming has gone way up around here. Of course, I did my share in my youthful days on FR. ;-)

Jeffrey Toobin on the Free Republic:

December 9,1998 self
Charles Ruff riffs on as Chairmen Hyde, Jeffrey Toobin look on in amazement as they again try to take the Congress and the American people for fools. Jiminey Cricket aka.David Kendall, looks so smug and self

ABC's Jeffrey Toobin Sees 'Big Problems' for Pervert
9/21/98 DC Agent
On the ABC Radio news at the top of the hour, Toobin said that Pervert's claims that he didn't touch Monica give him "big problems," cause she says that he did. Other items....

Starr Report on Internet Tomorrow
9-10-98 (Christmas in September) Jeffrey Toobin
Jeffrey Toobin just said at 7:43 am CST that the Starr report will be on the inte rnet tomorrow. Anyone know anything more about this?

New Yorker scribe plans Lewinsky tome (mentions Trixie)
Thursday August 27 5:46 PM EDT By Judy Quinn
NEW YORK (Variety) - New Yorker scribe and ABC News legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin is planning a book on how Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky have affected the U.S. presidency.

7/11/98 Clinton's a liar
Jeffrey Toobin of the New Yorker magazine and ABC legal analyst asked for information on Jim Robinson for a pr oposed article... what follows here is the bio/information on for all of us to


Web Posted: 06/16/98 19:45:59 EDT Posted by: patriot


Web Posted: 06/16/98 18:18:33 EDT Posted by: Brian Mosely

Larry King Live (Re-Run)
5-18-98 Larry KIng
Legal Panel featuring Jeffrey Toobin, Johnnie Cochran, Greta Van Susteren, and Cynthia McFadden. ON NOW!


Most, if not all of these posts are now inaccessible. However, the flavour remains. Mr. Toobin is definitely NOT a FR newbie.

From: Ed Millar ( *
04/21/99 21:04:16 PDT

To: Ed Millar

Wow, thanks for all the background on J. Toobin's past cites on FR, much more numerous than I'd recalled. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's possible to be civil, what a concept!
From: Mjaye ( *
04/21/99 22:40:19 PDT


From: UncleDaddy () *
04/22/99 00:19:53 PDT

To: UncleDaddy
From: UncleDaddy () *
04/22/99 00:20:44 PDT

To: Book writer
People are replying to you. Drop in from time to time.
From: UncleDaddy () *
04/22/99 00:22:04 PDT

To: Book writer
Since you are a legal analyst for ABC maybe you can answer the question of whether Newt Gingrich has a legal right to a full refund of the $300,000 ethics fine after the IRS ruled he was totally innocent. It's the least you could do since your employers spent the last 5 years demonizing him at every opportunity.
From: stinger80 () *
04/22/99 00:31:27 PDT

To: Book writer
We have been hearing reports that the two teenagers who perpetrated the massacre in Colorado were homosexuals. Some reports have even linked them to militant homosexual activist groups.

Do you expect ABC to address this issue? If not, could you personally ask someone to look into it and file a report?

After all, it isn't news until it's reported on ABC.
From: UncleDaddy () *
04/22/99 00:40:56 PDT

To: CaptRon
You know, I grew up in New York, on Long Island...and for the life of me I cannot understand why those great people do not send me CITIZEN PETITION signatures. I just assumed that New York State; the "Big Apple" would just send me a couple of million signatures.

I have been so disappointed, and a wee bit hurt.

Maybe you, "CaptRon" and the dead guy above could do something to turn this around. What do you say?

Check out the web site listed below, and dead guy, it just takes a "click"..not too worry!!

And oh yes, Mr Bookwriter, we could get together for lunch. I am completely serious when I say I would be most happy to colaborate. I have some serious talent and am a genuine FACT finder; won't tolerate spin either.

So, if you are genuinely interested, from the "advance" on...just email me. And thank you for your invitation to all of us to join you.

Frankly, I am interested!!


From: Nance ( *
04/22/99 01:20:20 PDT

To: Nance
From: Raycpa ( *
04/22/99 05:20:43 PDT

To: Doctor Raoul, gaijin,thepainster,MadAsHell,mediaqueen,r2,linda,freepersdc
I really believe that it's because people don't know much about the Broaddrick story

Doc, you know me, I'm going to take this opportunity to Remind everyone.....that they should Read the Activism Article, titled, "INVISIBE FReepers". Once read, folks will have the ability to ......"VISIBLY" Change the Future!

Mr. Toobin, I'd like to test your knowledge of ....'books'! Have you read... "LONG TIME PASSING-VIETNAM & THE HAUNTED GENERATION"? By Myra MacPherson?

I have posted a few excerpts from my good friend Myra's book,... a few minutes ago, and .....would you please critique it ....while your visiting us?

Please, get back with you don't know this yet, but, I too, a 'VERY FAMOUS AUTHOR.' Please look in the FR Activism Category, and you'll find my eleven (11) "highly regarded" - 'books', that all of us here in FR go by Rid Ourselves of the Treasonous, Lying, 'Contemptable Rapist'....KLINTOON.

That's KLINTOON, and I'm sure you know who I'm referring to.

Mr Toobin, I too, have many degrees. And I, like you, tend to write ...very strange, biased material. You, write Democrap 'stuff'..... Me,....I write...Ingenious 'stuff' and I don't mean simple novels about how to "better-hide"....'stuff'. (As in attics and under beds)
Fellow Writer, if you keep thinking those liberal thoughts, you might get Lucky... very soon....and be go to write a book .....about the.... "DEAD WHO WILL BE COMING HOME IN BODY BAGS."

Remember, since we are both in the same ...'business', please post your reply to me, at your leisure. I'm always here .....working on NEW 'BOOKS'! Thank you. JUROR-hou.
From: JUROR-hou ( *
04/23/99 23:41:00 PDT

To: Nance
Hi Nance, just saw your reply....and you are the "coolist". Thank you for your two kind replies the other day and I have gotton over all of that now .....and as you can see from my reply below....I am 'Snappity' and back to myself ....again.

Hey, did you know that Mr Toobin, is a 'Writer' me? HEHEHE~~~~~
From: JUROR-hou ( *
04/23/99 23:47:26 PDT

To: BluH2o
"Toobin is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School. "

Should tell you something.
From: The Underdog (emailname) *
04/23/99 23:58:51 PDT

To: JUROR-hou
what ARE you smoking?
From: constitutional avenger (emailname) *
04/24/99 00:02:25 PDT

To: Mr Toobin....Bookwriter???? Hi, Fellow ....'Writer'!
From: JUROR-hou ( *
04/24/99 00:19:41 PDT

To: constitutional avenger,Alamo-Girl,Jolly,boston
What ARE you smoking?

That's funny. I am one of the many Activist Writer's for FR. They keep me 'locked up" in the 'Dungeon'...downstairs. Just look around ...and you will "see"the Secret Entrance!

If and when you come down here...make sure you make an appointment with my 'fellow cell-mate'...who goes by the name of ...gaijin. He's an Activist Writer too ...and he, like me, spews forth latherous Green and Yellow Putrid Slime.

Honestly though, see if you can ....hold a chat with Alamo-Girl and Jolly. Both of them along with another hero named boston,.....are the 'main dudes' of FR Intelligence.
From: JUROR-hou ( *
04/24/99 18:07:53 PDT

To: Book writer

Dear Mr. Toobin,

Your analysis and comment on the O. J. Simpson case was rational.

But in the matter of Bill Clinton, you totally lost your way.

Just my opinion, but thought you could use an honest one.
From: VOA () *
04/24/99 18:14:46 PDT

To: Book writer

Dear Mr. Toobin,

PS: Your buddy Bill Clinton can't even hold onto the Nuclear Football.
(in reference to Clinton leaving the aide and the nuclear launch codes in his
dust when he abruptly left the NATO 50th anniversary bash.
The aide walked 4 blocks to the White House; White House spokesman and
Last Living Neanderthal Joe Lochhart said "Everything is alright.") Sure.
From: VOA () *
04/24/99 18:19:32 PDT

To: Original Toobin thread, wherein he takes a beating.

Bumping this old thread where we gave Toobin the business. His masterpiece is finally complete. We on the dark side are not appreciated. The twit felt unloved around here: Review of Toobin's book.

1 Posted on 01/06/2000 14:32:22 PST by dead
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To: dead

The bad news is that Liberals do write the history books.

The good news is that most people don't bother reading them.

2 Posted on 01/06/2000 15:05:34 PST by Ditto
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To: dead

worth a bump

3 Posted on 01/27/2000 08:10:09 PST by prognostigaator
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To: dead.... Just a bump


4 Posted on 01/27/2000 08:15:56 PST by eazdzit (You Teach What You Tolerate@It's The stupid Media)
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To: Book writer

Did you ever interview David Schippers to find out exactly what he was referencing in his mention of the fact that there was enough evidence in the vault in the Ford Building to get Clinton's citizenship revoked?

5 Posted on 01/27/2000 08:24:19 PST by MadAsHell
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To: Book writer

It was 1871 in Tombstone. The preached asked if anyone had anything to say.

We just stood there, not knowing what to say or do, slowly drawing circles in the dirt with our boots. No one knew the deceased.

There was a long silence.

Finally this one feller spoke up, "If'n no one minds, I'd like to say a few kind words about Texas......."

6 Posted on 01/27/2000 08:24:57 PST by ofMagog
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To: All

Y'all remember this "request?" Which posters were right and which were wrong? All you people who insisted that we should "give the guy a break" should now understand that to an avowed liberal, anyone who does not subscribe to their twaddle is "evil" and therefore, everything they do is "good" regardless of the fact that data, reason and logic prove them to be the hanky-stomping idiots that they are.

Brand this on your forehead, people:

There will never be a peaceful co-existence with these pie-in-the-sky, we-know-what's-best-for-everyone fools.

If you believe otherwise, then you have already conceded defeat.

7 Posted on 02/17/2000 09:43:51 PST by seadevil
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To: seadevil


8 Posted on 02/17/2000 09:50:31 PST by Chapita
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To: dead

Many great posters that are no longer with us on this thread...Some just left and some passed on. It gave me time to remember how long I’ve been here and the gems posted and read by many.

21 posted on 10/21/2020 4:30:56 PM PDT by vetvetdoug
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To: vetvetdoug; dead; Registered
Many great posters that are no longer with us on this thread...Some just left and some passed on. It gave me time to remember how long I’ve been here and the gems posted and read by many.

I checked - for the hell of it - a lot of the names on that thread.

Would you believe "Registered" still has an active account here? (He has a 4/2020 posting.)

Most freaky of all, his profile lists his country as... China!! Is that some more "Registered" humor, or is there a story behind this?

22 posted on 10/21/2020 11:24:20 PM PDT by Yossarian
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To: Yossarian; Registered

Yes, reading all those names was truly touching.

I actually sent Registered a private message shortly after that posting of his in April. You probably remember he was the one who coined the phrase “Sore Loserman” that made international news. He also created other fantastic graphics like “Kangaroo Court” that were used in marches during the Florida recount.

Great memories. It sure would be nice to have him, or any of those others back with us now.

23 posted on 10/21/2020 11:39:52 PM PDT by Golden Eagle (Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Anything less is a sign of weakness.)
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To: dead


24 posted on 10/22/2020 11:32:27 AM PDT by redinIllinois (Pro-life, accountant, gun-totin' Grandma - multi issue voter)
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; Bockscar; cardinal4; ColdOne; ...
Nice job, dead! The rest of the Toobin collection (current search only reaches back to 2014):

25 posted on 10/22/2020 11:49:44 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
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