A year and a half is not long enough? Judaical Watch has done his work for him. All he has to do is give them a call.
“A year and a half is not long enough? Judaical Watch has done his work for him. All he has to do is give them a call.”
When you know you are up against a traitorous bureaucracy and a traitorous judiciary, both trying to insure everything you do is slow walked and interrupted along the way, yes, a year and a half is not enough. That is not even counting everything else Barr has to do, everything else his daily schedule and attention requires of him. The revealing info is not the the FBI & DOJ lacked the now revealed info, only that they denied the info to Flynn’s attorney and the themselves refused to appropriately consider the info, which would have and should have led honest prosecutors to drop the case (UNLESS some higher ups were threatening their careers of they did not charge Flynn).
He had one other arrow he could have shot off. Once he knew the charges should have been dismissed (which also was not that long ago now), he could have appointed someone like Durham as s special prosecutor investigating the DOJ figures that brought the charges against Flynn.