Contact info for the law firm provided. Voice your opinion
To: artichokegrower
Does anyone really give a Crap what this entitled rich bitch thinks!
2 posted on
09/02/2020 9:39:01 PM PDT by
princess leah
(Princess Leah)
To: Jane Long; NautiNurse; Miss Didi; maggief; MayflowerMadam; BunnySlippers
Here we go: The HairGate plot thickens....
3 posted on
09/02/2020 9:39:24 PM PDT by
(Mega prayers for Rush Limbaugh)
To: artichokegrower
The lawyer does not deny that Nancy Pelosi did not wear a mask.
4 posted on
09/02/2020 9:43:31 PM PDT by
(Can't have a Liberal without a Lie)
To: artichokegrower
Oh please step in this some more you dimwitted rumpswab.
5 posted on
09/02/2020 9:44:00 PM PDT by
Steely Tom
([Seth Rich] == [the Democrats' John Dean])
To: artichokegrower
My opinion is.....there's not enough popcorn in the world to make it through this election season.🍿
6 posted on
09/02/2020 9:45:12 PM PDT by
Spirit of Liberty
(It's morning in America again!)
To: artichokegrower
This lawyer misspells Gov. Newsom’s name and alternates between calling the owner Ms. and Mr.
I expect more from a high flying law firm. I expect a proofreader.
7 posted on
09/02/2020 9:49:05 PM PDT by
Dr. Sivana
(There is no salvation in politics)
To: artichokegrower
Apparently the owner was seen on photographs cutting hair without a mask. Perhaps she is short and stacked up the photographs in order to reach the unmasked hair.
9 posted on
09/02/2020 10:01:59 PM PDT by
(Kapo Soros as Ceausescu)
To: artichokegrower
I do not give one single damn what baby bitch says.
Her mommy thinks she is better than anyone else and does not have to obey the same laws and rules as the rest of us.
The video shows it clearly.
Stay in your cities, the rest of the nation wants nothing to do with you.
To: artichokegrower
The Pelosi’s are powerful thugs who want Nancy to be first woman president in the upcoming overthrow of the government.
They are a clear and present danger.
16 posted on
09/03/2020 3:07:50 AM PDT by
(Voter ID for 2020!! Leftists totalitarian fascists appear to be planning to eradicate conservatives)
To: artichokegrower
So let me get this straight...Pelosi was lured into a set up by a hair salon owner with the promise of a shampoo and blow out. Did Nancy just get an anonymous email saying come to this salon at 3pm with cameras ready in case she followed the bait? Was the closed sign on the door mysteriously removed? Was she somehow convinced her magic COVID mask wouldn't be needed?
What is more likely is one of Nancys lackeys made an appointment at her usual hair salon knowing that her rank and privilege would override any restrictions imposed on the unwashed masses and deplorables. Queen Nancy assumed when out of the public eye she could ditch the mask charade and had her hair done unlike the peons who are barred from such services. Trouble is she got caught and her haughtiness and reeking hypocrisy is on full display. Now she tries to blame others or plead ignorant of the restrictions.
19 posted on
09/03/2020 11:28:44 AM PDT by
The Great RJ
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