I agree that it is depressingly high, but I caution you and others to think...what would our numbers be if we as a country allowed our doctors to use HCQ with zinc and antibiotic at the early stages of the disease? I posit that our numbers would be DRASTICALLY improved!!!
Fauci, Gates, and many many others have egos and money on the line. Frankly, they should be charged with terrible crimes against humanity. They continue to fiddle while Rome has already burned to the ground.
Nero covered Christians in pitch and lit them as torches for his garden parties.
Their 21st century counterparts and gubernatorial surrogates have placed lower capacity limits on churches than on big box stores, ordered muzzles on faithful, some States forbidden singing, and in some States attempted to forbid the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion.
Worst of all, too many Hierarchs have caved to these insatious tyrants' decrees and have forsaken the faith of our fathers who cried in similar distess:
"We praise, be bless, and we worship the LORD!"