Posted on 08/03/2020 12:51:59 PM PDT by Kaslin
A middle-aged couple is under fire after they berated a group of teenagers and punched one of the boys because they were not wearing face masks inside a Walmart in Post Falls, Idaho.
"You guys are abusing your freedom. Stop it," the woman said just before hitting one of the boys in the shoulder.
The North Idaho News reports that police were contacted and the victim intends to press charges.
"You think this is cute not wearing a mask," the man said. "Get a damn mask and put it on your face."
The woman was literally screaming to anyone who would listen, "Their parents are teaching them this garbage."
Jill Dickenson, the mother of the boys in the video, told North Idaho Exposed in an exclusive interview that she infuriated by the attack. You can watch the interview by clicking here.
"My blood was boiling," she said. "We live in a country that we have freedoms. We have liberties. For my kids to walk into Walmart and get apprehended and accosted the way they did - it's uncalled for.”
She was just as upset with the store's management.
"Walmart did nothing about it," she said. "The employees - some of them stood around laughing - mask shaming with this couple."
Mrs. Dickenson's son said he and his friends were asked to wear masks when they first walked into the store, but they declined to do so. The boys were still allowed in the store.
One of her sons told North Idaho Exposed that the couple approached them and immediately began harassing the boys.
"We hope your grandparents die of COVID," the couple allegedly said.
When they came back, one of the boys turned on his cell phone and recorded the encounter.
"I was angry like any mom would be," Mrs. Dickenson said. “The momma bear came out in me and I'm like, 'Oh no she didn't.'"
The country has gone slap crazy, folks.
Just the other day a woman in Manhattan Beach, California, threw a cup of hot coffee at a man because he was noshing a burrito unmasked.
“It’s hard to eat a burrito with a mask on,” the man tried to explain before his buddy was pelted by piping hot java.
It appears that a good-many folks have come down with a raging case of China Virus Derangement Syndrome and I’m afraid there is no known cure.
Not this wimmin.
My wife refuses to make a mask for me from one of my tighty-whities.
The Y-front makes using a straw a snap.
I told her I’d drink lemonade.
And leave the straw dangling from the opening for convenience.
I have watched friends on my wife’s facebook page through this virus event, sane, normal people who are quote friends and have been for decades. But if you mention not wearing a mask they go bat crap crazy! If you ask them to think, it says on the box it will not stop a virus, think about it. The responses have been how dare you not wear what your governor demands of you, don’t you know you are putting me in danger! Would you rather be on a ventilator and dying! We are protecting ourselves and if you wearing a mask or doing anything else to protect us and our families is what it takes you will do it!
She posted a clinical article from an expert doctor from Yale University talking about HCQ’s usage with zine and Zpaks on covid patients. It was long haired reading with numbers etc... and you would have thought she wanted to do blood lettings and use leeches! She said I am not advocating anything here, I am looking at science and both sides don’t take anyone’s word and especially the media’s word for something. Your a kook, your crazy, your anti-science! Really a Yale doctor writing in a medical journal is quackery she replied? YES, STOP!
I can understand now how the Salem Witch Trials and executions happened. Fear, out of control fear and hysteria on the part of normally good people and they feed off of the fear and each other to do things that normally wouldn’t ever cross their minds. Damn the US MEDIA!
If these kids have an underlying medical condition that prevents them from wearing mask she should be sued as well- harrasment of American with disabilities.
The lawyers must be salivating over the smorgasboard of lawsuits that are going to arise from this issue, not to mention all the others.
Most cell phones have video capability. And it puts the aggeessor on notice that their behavior is on the record.
I had a guy tell me to move back in the check out line in the grocery store yesterday. I put my stuff on the belt and the divider.
He turned toward me and asked me to move back. I said, “what’s your problem”
HE replied in a loud voice: “covid”
I just shook my head and laughed behind my MASK.
I was tired and did not want to get into it.
And, you should see the size of my nose.
I’m really proud of its length.
It looks even longer when I shave my moustache.
I’ve noticed that, too. The movie industry is not doing women any favors by billing 5’3” gorgeous women as capable of kicking=a$$ against multiple men at the same time. It is giving them the false 10 feet tall and bulletproof attitude that used to be reserved for a drunk man. Personally, I would never hit a woman under normal circumstances and have taught my sons the same value. But clearly, younger women are pushing their luck. Not all men, especially young men, think like I do.
We were ALL better off when we held our tongues and acted more civilly. That said, I came within a hair of clocking a 40ish guy on the street in Savannah, GA about a month ago. He tried to ignore my warning to “back off” as we were walking down the street. My wife being with me was why he got the warning in the first place; she was also probably what saved him because I was cocked, walking toward him and ready to rock.
“da rulz da rulz. good grief”
I didn’t make the rules for Walmart. They did. I don’t know why so many here ignore this point. If a place says no smoking, they should enforce it. Ditto with masks.
I hate wearing a mast but I wear it in the store that requires it when I go in. I go during off times and drop it below my nose and stay away from people. If I start heading toward someone I bring it above the nose.
“Damn the US MEDIA!”
Damn the Democrats! Damn China!
Do you think this happening by accident?
People are behaving exactly as you could predict they would.
I have been cutting out the inner layer of the mask. It makes it a lot easier to breathe.
Do you see what happens when you ‘abuse your freedom’?
Not this woman, or any other woman of my acquaintance-do you want to be put in the same category with men who are ass***es and wusses? Please stop putting us in the same category with weak sisters..
Abusing their freedom?
What the heck does that even mean?
Some people are just batcrap crazy.
Now you know.
Demonically inspired craziness based on irrational fears.
That’s an awfully broad brush.
The arrows are idiotic. Making people double their time and effort in a store only helps the store make more money.
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