Hispanic men still have their balls and do what is right.
I would have had to be charged also because I would have beat him with a baseball bat if I had found the scum in either of my daughter’s rooms, even if they were 17. If they were in my house, they are mine. If they don’t want to live by my rules, move. My house, my rules. Sorry.
One look at her father with that chest tattoo, and I think: Former Gang member.
His daughter is 14, she’s old enough to know better.
How many other ‘suitors’ has she hosted in the middle of the night, letting the young men take all the risks?
Girl needs some range time at the optometrist.
The sheriff’s office wouldn’t have done Mitt about the Democrat child-molester, had the father allowed him to leave without a beating.
Too bad I can’t be on that jury...
Here is a local news report about it.
The Dad should ask for a Jury. Jury nullification is a beautiful thing that most Judges like to pretend does not exist.
He didn't cross my line.
Not guilty.
Keywontrzes? Hope there’s a cure for that.
Dad has a gofundme for the legal fees. Just thought I’d mention that...
Some “batting practice” on the ‘nads would have sufficed.
Judge: Next time he should be more careful coming down the stairs. Next case.
The father acted they way most fathers would and the punk is lucky he’s not pushing daisies.
“20-year-old Keywontrezes Humphries”
I’m guessing “Keywontrezes” is a family name with a rich history going back centuries.
As a father myself jury nullification.
No father would hesitate to do the same. Let the legal idiots do their thing, I believe the jury will get it right.
By the look of his choppers, Keywontrezes is going to need heavy-duty dental work with implants and alignment.
Will the taxpayers be picking up this multi-thousand dollars bill while "Man Man" does his time in the slammer?
Where is Al Bundy when you need him?
Little asshole had it coming.