The real goal of ‘diversification’ of the military is to fill it with homos and trannies, but they have purposely left that out of the description. In addition maybe there will also be a BLM Chapter.
Diversity = Division + Perversity
His problem is that it’s a all-volunteer force, and devised upon certain ‘gains’ (like college tuition and job-training) for the incoming folks to be interested. Add to the top level....whoever enters the door has one key requirement, if go and slay/wipe out an enemy of the United States.
If he is idiotic enough to recruit beyond the current norm, I have this funny feeling that he’ll bring in 10,000 new recruits around the five services....who will question any order to slay or eradicate enemies. What value does the force then have?
Perhaps we should have a new internal defense board on recruiting future Defense Secretaries with a IQ of 75 or less, and be remarkably short-sighted.