It is ridiculous, but I am glad it is over for Flynn. It is telling that the longer it dragged out the more exculpatory info kept popping up. I guess that is over now and we won’t hear much about the additional exculpatory info that likely exists.
It is my opinion that the ongoing release of damaging info (damaging to DOJ) is the only reason Barr decided to end this. He didn't care about Flynn or justice. He cared about stopping the release of documented blatant corruption in the DOJ.
He further allowed one more super damaging piece out yesterday (sealed so we don't know what was in it but word is it was very damaging to Strzok / McCabe) I think as a warning: shut this down or you don't know what could still come out. This is the tip of the iceberg and it goes much higher than you want to be known in public.'
But where does he go to recover his reputation, his life, his money?