Posted on 06/11/2020 11:49:58 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
It is the Robert Byrd party it just goes to show how really stupid college grads are and K-12 being taught FALSE history!!
Start collecting books. Go to library sales, used bookstores. This is Farenheight 451. We have to look at ourselves as history and culture preservers.
They’ve obviously never been there.
Like the Hussein Heads who tell us how really, REALLY BAD Rush Limbaugh is. :-)
How do we know something named Lee wasn’t for some Korean guy/girl/it?
Perhaps finally NOW the Battle of Gettysburg can secure victory in the War of Northern Aggression, and the Confederates can keep their slaves!
I will admit to loving the Beverly Hillbillies’ recreation of the Civil War.
Hate the loss of our history?, thank a teacher/professor for it.
The single most destructive profession in America today.
I’ve known a couple Asian Robert E. Lees.
(Don’t know what their E stood for)
Those laws and departments were all established to make sure these sorts of things never happen again.
Jefferson, Washington, Madison, et al, knew that was impossible for mere men to achieve by law. That’s why the Declaration, the Constitution, the First and Second amendments, etc, and their deference to God Almighty.
Stay armed and ever vigilant.
Train your children well (a biblical concept mastered by the left).
Hey I’ve done my part...came face to face with the BLM protesters rally last night while we held our own SUPPORT OUR LOCAL POLICE rally!! Those bastards are out for blood and this is the 5th straight night the snowflake evil vampires showed up!! BUT I TOOK A STAND...WHAT ARE YOU DOING for our country?!! With all my health issues I have I TOOK A FREAKING STAND AND HAD THE GUTS to show up along with a few 100 folks who support our EL PASO police department while the rest of the city hid under the blankets!! IT’s time to get some b***s and start our own pro American protests!! IF I HEAR of another rally..YOU BET YOUR BUTT I’LL BE THERE!!! I’ll be damn if those outsiders come into my city and demand defunding our cops!!! Those snowflakes were being recruited by the Obamas organization called sunrise matters.. go into that website and read what it says! They are recruiting people from outside our town to come into our city and rake havoc!! ENUFF!! It’s time folks!..if not now when? There won’t be a country to defend!! NOW LETS GO KICK SOME @$$!!! Remember talk is cheap!!
How many will find the Crucifix or the Star of David offensive. It can’t happen here, right?
I’m still waiting for New York to change its name to something less racist.
The Duke of York made a lot money transporting slaves for sale.
I do not know.
I don’t know how to search the Congressional Record.......................
I was thinking they’ll want us to wear one of those symbols.
For our protection.
Over 50 buildings and roads are named after KKK member and voter against the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, Robert Byrd. Rename them all.
Jim, the only thing that will turn this horror around is a massive coordinated pushback from people who are opposed to everything the Left stands for. Not only a massive electoral defeat, but massive pushback across the board including public demonstrations. Instead what we see is retreat everywhere. If I was very wealthy, I would finance such a pushback, but I don’t see how us ordinary folks of limited means can do so.
Start off with renaming Madison WI. Name it Lesbian WI.
Much more appropriate.
“Time to take America back!”
Nothing a well regulated militia couldn’t handle.
>> It’s the Marxist/fascist totalitarian way.
And corporate America is heavily invested in the destruction.
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