yes let the exodus begin.
They will be called racists. I would say you heard it here first, but this predictions seems like a no-brainer.
It will get worse when there are no real cops.
Who will take the place of the police?
Social workers LOL LOL!!! Where will those Social Workers come from?
How about Black Panthers and Muslims empowered by Sharia Law and our constitution abandoned in garbage cans across Minneapolistan and then Minnesotastan!
They will introduce Sharia law as the law of Minneapolistan and later of Minnesotastan!
Sharia Police. The Muslim sectors are ready for this. The city council will fund them as Community Mental Health organizations. (thanks to flamberge for this insight!)
Black Panthers have worked so well in the past in Oakland and _________________.
Minneapolistan citizens, choose from:
1) Pay the dhimmi and you will be protected by the Sharia Patrols or Black Panthers.
2) Special 80% off deal if you convert
3) Lifetime supply of Bricks, free deliver
The next Detroit
The guy got the word:
You are on your own.
The first of many to leave.
Minneapolis has been ASKING for it!!!! After they abolish the police, the movement of businesses and jobs will be an unstoppable flood!!!!
And that city will end up worst than Detroit at its low point!!!!
smart dude.
So much for enterprise zones in Minneapolis. We would be better off spending the money to relocate hard working, God fearing blacks to another town where they could have a decent life and decent educations for their kids.
Thank you sir.
In my ideal world every single worthwhile business will hightail it the heck out of Minneapolis ASAP.
Even with the police in businesses they couldn’t get protection. They defund the police and forget it. You might as well have a business in Mogadishu.
This is just the beginning as the police department is de-funded and de-fanged.
If I still had family there, I’d tell them to get out now. The crime rate is going to go through the roof...
(as it did in Baltimore after it was de-policed).
No Cops - No Shops
No Peace - No Justice
I would think that 75% or more of the Businesses that were destroyed will NOT open up again in the city, No way in Hell I would!!
Just give my employee's...the heads up.
Good. Abandon the city that is ruled by people who hate you.
Minneapolis will not only lose business, they will lose population as everyone who can get out gets out.
LOL! I hope ALL businesses relocate out of the Marxist brat-run City of Minneapolis. The City council will probably erect a bronze statue of George Floyd holding a crack-pipe with a plaque that reads... “I Can’t Breath.” Minneapolis will become a commune with goats, pigs & chickens roaming the streets run by gold-teeth gangsta’s.
A jobless Minneapolis will look just like Detoilet.
Elect stupid representatives win stupid prizes.