Not that he needs my advise, but I sense an opportunity for President Trump here.
We’re probably going to hear his a lot of black males. I would be surprised to see this from more than a few black females on the left (”black female” and “left” is *almost* redundant).
Who owns whom is determined by who ends up having to apologize for a simple remark. It wasn’t slave owners doing the apologizing.
Some old white guy with dementia, telling black folk, “You ain’t black if ya don’t vote for me”
Keep up the great work Biden.
Biden just assumes that all black people are brainless robot zombies.
Seems to reflect cluelessness of desperate Democratic ballot box cheating.
Corrections, insights welcome.
Send "Orange Man Bad" federal and state government Democrats and RINOs home in November!
Supporting PDJT with a new patriot Congress and state government leaders that will promise to fully support his already excellent work for MAGA and stopping SARS-CoV-2 will effectively give fast-working Trump a "third term" in office imo.
Biden is in hot water. You actually can vote for any Democrat you choose and still call yourself black.
Quite possibly my favorite football player of all time, and he easily spent more time with the hated Dallas Cowboys than my Philadelphia Eagles!
If enough blacks rise up against Biden for this then he will quit the race within two weeks. And that wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Joke Biden enjoys Objectifying Good People...
Sorry, herschel, 95% of people with dark skin automatically vote for democrats no matter how bad the democrat politicians are.
The problem is with the blind sheep with dark skin.
Charlamagne tha God? What is that?
Boy, old Joe reeaalllly stepped in it this time.
“You don’t determine who we vote for!”
He’s right. Its the ‘D’ next to the incompetent dumbass tthat determines who they vote for. Like Pavlov’s dog. Thats why Maxine and Sheila Jackson have been in office so long.