There are no parties involved who benefit from publically reporting or leaking on a SNITCH who is SNITCHING.
if any of the players in this really feared the investigation, they would be overtly or covertly feeding the media (dis)information to distance themselves from the others.
A careful reading of the recently DECLAS'd Congressional transcripts, along with people like Comey, Brenner, Obama, and others deeply guilty, shows just the spin, deflection, and blame shifting you describe, along with a great deal of fear and panic.
It's out there if you look for it with that in mind. Rice wrote her memo to purposefully provide documented evidence intended to shield Obama and make Comey look like an rogue operator going 'against the book' as ordered by the President himself.
If you don't believe they're publically doing the derp dance every day, you are missing it.
I've seen as much derp dancing as I've seen frog marching, which is little to none of either.