Easiest decision imaginable. Take it the second you turn 62.
Even though my break even point (62 vs 66 + 2 months) is 78 I am still waiting so my wife would get more in case I died earlier.
I’m planning on working until I drop - whenever that is.
Isn’t the earliest 62.5?
Isn’t the earliest 62.5?
Isn’t the earliest 62.5?
Two years and seven months to go. The Lord willing.
If you’re working, don’t take it.
If you are forced out of the job market why would you not take it at 62.
Draining your retirement accounts so you can get a little more in SS down the road is crazy.
You might end up broke about the same time SS goes broke.
So protect YOUR money as long as possible.
Take it at 62.
How is the availability of health insurance not one of the top factors?
I wish I hadn't, but I'm OK with my decision.
If you invest the amount you obtain at age 62, and collect interest on it, you get the same income as you would by taking it later. Arguably, the return is likely to be higher.
The big difference is when you die, the money you invested from 62- to whatever date you take SS, belongs to your heirs, not the government. For three years, from 62-65, this is likely to be about $60K. It depends on individual circumstance.
If you are comfortable from other investments/pensions, without working more, it is better to take the SS at 62 and invest it.
Now with COVID and the trillions they are spending, beware of an attack on SS.
GET YOUR MONEY BACK, SOONEST. You paid into that ponzi scheme with every paycheck.
I retired from teaching when I was 61. Four months short of my birthday. Collected for about 1/2 of my unused sick leave along with pension. Collected SS beginning Nov of that year. Anyway I worked it out it would take many years to collect the same amount if I collected at 67.
Turning 67 in October and have not filed yet. Still working so....would prefer to leave the money to those that need it. Guess we will see.
Considering Coronavirus likes to kill people in their 70s, Overweight, diabetes high blood pressure and other conditions. If you have other heath insurance coverage to hold you over until you 65, pension, and a 401 still, it might be a good idea to retire and enjoy those Golden Years.
All my Aunts and Uncles are not in good shape in their 70s and would be vulnerable to Coronavirus. Considering that I am thinking about retiring at age 59 ½. I can make it to 70 with no cash issues. Will take SS at 62 because we are not promise tomorrow.
Another option - Social Security Offers Lump Sum Payouts to Retirees
Bump for later reference