To stop the return of manufacturing of products back to the US that went to China. China backers here who’s family members are making millions from China through their political connections will be hit hard are also claiming that Trumps alleged stock ownership in a quinine pills maker claim its a controlling interest in a product to be totally ineffective and when used requires a severe restriction of movement when near a possible carrier known as a shutdown because of its rapid transmission .
Beside his efforts to return industries and services which had gone to China back to the the US .Opponents to the Chinese regime in power had its citizens protesting its policies , as in Hong Kong, since that change in American leadership. Wave the American flag and present his name when doing so.All of which presented those in power the need to destroy that leader Donald Trump
Would a runaway plague threaten populations of an enemy cause them to react by demanding extreme restriction of movement by its population to prevent its spread ? Thus wind up fragmenting its economy and create defeat for that leaders upcoming election. Preventining the replacement of any industries from China
The way this whole thing developed starting with the Italian fashion industry areas controlled by the Chinese commies hit by a runaway CCWV (Chinese Communist Wuhan Virus) breakout occurred in Wuhan the politburo closed off Wuhan but did not warn the Italian Socialist government or the Pope with whom the Chinese government had good relations with.
But certainly violated it when the socialists should have been informed and allowed to deny those Chinese workers who replaced Italians in those factories taken over by the Chinese, travel to and from China particularly for their New Year while this was occurring. Which Trump did with the exception of only allowing American citizens returning.
Which also affected workers at the Chinese owned Smithfield Pork Processing and had the China backer US media charging racism but may have prevented an Italy from happening here .
Do you know, how many died today in Dakota?