It’s a fairly straigh-forward type of litigation where the US attorney can file an emergency injunction, denying state’s rules which violate the constitution. The orders by governors can be voided if they conflict with the constitution, and likely the easiest way is to invoke the commerce clause, where governors are interfering with interstate commerce. Any US attorney who has a law degree should be able to sail an injunction through a federal court.
Thanks for weighing in with some good info.
Agreed, particularly with the burden of proof on the state to defend "essential" vs. "non-essential" business.
A co-ordinated effort could open most red states with GOP governors & AGs rapidly -- FL, OH, IN, etc., the right federal suit could open all businesses without this phased-in garbage but merely subject to the distancing guidelines.
Would also like to see this tested in states with Donkey governors and Republican AGs, like that hillbilly Brassiere.
Too little, too late.
States are easing restrictions now, starting with those restrictions thta bump up against “the enumerated rights” found in the constitution.