Compare Sweden to Denmark. Denmark implemented strict rules, Sweden didn’t.
Denmark has 5 million people and 247 deaths from coronavirus.
Sweden has 10 million and 900 deaths from coronavirus
Compare Sweden to Michigan. They both have a population of 10 million.
MI cases 22,780 , 1,281 deaths.
But...Sweden doesn’t have a Detoilet.
A simplistic approach would say that therefore, based on these statistics, Sweden’s approach has cost about 400 lives, roughly 4 per 100,000.
All I will say is that while I am not a professional economist, I have a very good undergraduate level training in it from an Ivy League school and at some point after my undergraduate education learned to think really, really critically, and my conclusion is that I at least do not have enough information to draw a conclusion at this point and am inclined to treat anyone who thinks that they do, at least based on the figures that you present without further context, as if they are about 3 years old. Smile, nod, and get on with life. And be really glad one is not in charge in either Sweden or Denmark.
Personally, I’d rather live in Sweden, and that’s saying a lot because my father’s background is Norwegian. But there is a difference between a personal choice that is based on SWAG (Scientific Wild Ass Guess) and solid statistical analysis.