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To: Brown Deer
1 9mm hollowpoint to the back of his head please!
2 posted on
04/01/2020 4:44:13 PM PDT by
(I am a MAGA-Deplorian! It is the way! It is the only way!)
To: Brown Deer
What was his Freeper name?
3 posted on
04/01/2020 4:44:14 PM PDT by
Cold Heart
To: Brown Deer
How far offshore was the ship anchored? Some magical thinking is involved here, unless it was docked near the rail spur.
To: Brown Deer
“Drivin’ that train, high on cocaine. Eduardo, you better watch your speed.”
5 posted on
04/01/2020 4:44:39 PM PDT by
("Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge." - Charles Darwin)
To: Brown Deer
6 posted on
04/01/2020 4:44:54 PM PDT by
(Some of the folks around these parts have been sniffing super flu.<br>)
To: Brown Deer
7 posted on
04/01/2020 4:44:55 PM PDT by
(Make California Great Again)
To: Brown Deer
Cue Twilight Zone music. This guy is nuts. Dropping some heavy duty stuff.
8 posted on
04/01/2020 4:44:56 PM PDT by
(Dems, Libs, Socialists Call 'em what you will, they all have fairies livin' in their trees)
To: Brown Deer
9 posted on
04/01/2020 4:45:05 PM PDT by
Dave W
To: Brown Deer
How about a terrorism charge? Trump should throw this in MSN and CNN’s face for their harmful rhetoric.
11 posted on
04/01/2020 4:46:24 PM PDT by
("Those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it")
To: Brown Deer
San Pedro is an illegal alien, EBT, multicultural s*hole.
... And the home of the USS Iowa.
13 posted on
04/01/2020 4:48:22 PM PDT by
(The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.)
To: Brown Deer
Got to be more to this story. Anyone have background info on Mr. Chattanooga Cuckoo?
14 posted on
04/01/2020 4:48:49 PM PDT by
( Ready to move on and give the Dems Covfefe-'20!)
To: Brown Deer
Well, “they” say it’s a “US Navy” ship, if you’re dumb enough to believe “them”. But it’s really a:
1. Alien ship from the planet Zork
2. A Muslim stalking horse
3. An outpost of the DNC plot to seize power
4. A Trojan horse from the Chinese commies
To: Brown Deer
He allegedly made statements to a CHP officer that included “You only get this chance once. The whole world is watching. I had to. People don’t know what’s going on here. Now they will.”
I know what’s going on. Crazy people drive trains in California.
16 posted on
04/01/2020 4:49:16 PM PDT by
To: Brown Deer
“People don’t know what’s going on here. Now they will.”
Hmm, not sure I quite get his logic there.
To: Brown Deer
put him in the damaged locomotive and drop it overboard, that’s what he wanted
22 posted on
04/01/2020 4:51:17 PM PDT by
To: Brown Deer
He blew his chance to be a high-speed rail engineer....
23 posted on
04/01/2020 4:51:18 PM PDT by
("...that all the donkeys were dead. I know nothing as to the fate of the less valuable animals.")
To: Brown Deer
...... WOW .... If it wasn’t April First .... I would almost believe this ......
25 posted on
04/01/2020 4:52:30 PM PDT by
("A nation of sheep will beget a nation ruled by wolves")
To: Brown Deer
Well, it might be a mothership. Hard to tell.
26 posted on
04/01/2020 4:53:05 PM PDT by
(The MSM, having nuked its own credibility, is now bombing the rubble.)
To: Brown Deer
I bet he was a mechanical engineer. Theyre the worst.
30 posted on
04/01/2020 4:55:03 PM PDT by
Old Yeller
(Under construction)
To: Brown Deer
All too typical DIMocRAT moron!!
Yours, TMN78247
31 posted on
04/01/2020 4:55:05 PM PDT by
("VICTORY or DEATH", William Barrett Travis, LtCol, comdt., Fortress of the Alamo, Bejar, 1836)
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