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To: Kaslin

Nope - efficacy of masks is very low for well people to keep from getting sick when compared to keeping sick people from making others sick...there was a mask shortage and they were better used to put on the sick and on health care workers to have the greatest more masks are available, they may have a small effect in helping the well, but those who wear them are either going to be taking the most effective other precautions....or having a sense of security that can bite them...

10 posted on 03/31/2020 9:36:28 AM PDT by trebb (Don't howl about illegal leeches, or Trump in general, while not donating to FR - it's hypocritical.)
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To: trebb

Can you cite experiments or studies in a scientific or medical journal that demonstrate that? CNN and the Washington Post do not count as medical journals.

15 posted on 03/31/2020 9:52:11 AM PDT by edwinland
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To: trebb


If the efficacy of masks is very low to keep from getting sick, as opposed to high for keeping sick people making others sick (and from what I have read this is very true), then why hoard them for health care workers? They aren’t going to do much for them either, yes?

30 posted on 03/31/2020 10:17:29 AM PDT by vrwcregistered
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To: trebb
Nope - efficacy of masks is very low for well people to keep from getting sick when compared to keeping sick people from making others sick.. U.S. Surgeon General explains why CDC recommends public does not wear masks
3/31/2020, 1:33:23 PM · 42 of 100
daniel1212 to conservative98
Wrong: Fallacy #

1. One of the ways you can get the coronavirus is by touching a surface and touching your face, so wearing a mask improperly can increase your risk of getting disease.

You do not get a virus by touching anything, unless that is an entry point to your body. Thus it must be assumed people with masks are putting their hands in their mouth or up their nose.

In addition, rejecting masks since some improperly wear them would be like rejecting guns since some also misuse them.

2. It can also give you a false sense of security.

Likewise seat belts and helmets, so to be consistent with rejecting something that is overall beneficial due to what can or sometimes do happen negatively, then all such that do so should be banned.

3. The data does not show it helps.

Or that it does not, and common sense tells you it would help prevent transmission as well as reception, or at least the amount of it. See

How the AMOUNT of the coronavirus you get infected with could decide whether you suffer mild or severe symptoms

40 posted on 03/31/2020 11:22:36 AM PDT by daniel1212 ( Trust the risen Lord Jesus to save you as a damned and destitute sinner + be baptized + follow Him)
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