Can you cite experiments or studies in a scientific or medical journal that demonstrate that? CNN and the Washington Post do not count as medical journals.
He said there is also a problem with a false sense of security and that if they aren't airtight/get wet, they are not effective and if in n environment with the droplets, can harbor the virus and make it easier to spread it through negligence...he said that those who are immune-compromised may get some small benefit, but not as a general rule.
He stated that masks are most effective for those who are showing symptoms/coughing/sneezing to help educe the chance of spreading the virus but they shouldn't be out and about anyway.
My daughter is a RN and agrees with that as does an medical biologist I know.
If you need more - you have the whole internet at your fingertips.
Can you cite studies that demonstrate they are effective? Beliefs and assumptions even if quoted in medical journals do not count as scientific evidence.
Pray tell, since a large percentage of our population are children under the age of 10, how do you propose to get them to wear masks in the presumed effective manner? Or do we just lock them inside the house?