Doing as the author suggests would have created toilet-paper like runs on them and people like my daughter the nurse would not have them available.
There weren’t any masks available to wear, and what was available rightly went to healthcare workers.
Way back we got notices at work that they couldn’t obtain our N95 dust masks for us and we should try not to dispose of a mask unless it was totally gone. We had to make our limited supply last.
The should have told the truth, but none of the Democrats would have listened. Dems are stealing masks from Hospitals, they had to tell a white lie to protect America. Now that we are surging the production, they should sell the surplus masks at a discount on Amazon so people can buy them and get back to work. brainer.
Nope - efficacy of masks is very low for well people to keep from getting sick when compared to keeping sick people from making others sick...there was a mask shortage and they were better used to put on the sick and on health care workers to have the greatest more masks are available, they may have a small effect in helping the well, but those who wear them are either going to be taking the most effective other precautions....or having a sense of security that can bite them...
About 98% of Hong Kong residents wear a mask when they go out now. Most of the other 2% are Western expats. Assuming masks were available, they would be a key piece in reopening the economy. Still, I think the US adoption rate wpuld be small unkess mandated.
Not enough masks for healthcare workers. They had two choices:
1. Tell the public the truth: masks are effective but we all have to sacrifice for the people on the front lines.
2. Lie in the most obvious way when they knew they would get caught out within a month or two.
They chose number 2 and they will make that choice every time.
Never trust them
so hospitals and news media- knowing the truth, lied to folks and folks got sick and died as a result- Negligent homicide?
Austria requires grocery store customers to wear masks.
Hopefully the customers have to wash their hands upon entering a grocery store and have access to soaped down shopping carts afterward.
MSM Lied- people died!
Wearing eyeglasses can close the bridge of the nose air gaps of homemade masks, making them far more effective.
Per Tucker Carlson: “STOP LYING TO US!”
Your monthly rail pass and mask, sir.
Please go to a restroom, wipe off your luggage handles with an alcohol pad, wash your hands, get a mask fitting guide and a mask after passing through TSA security.
Anyone know if there are any masks with a “MAGA” logo?
I would like to wear one of those.
In the past, when I have seen Asians wearing masks in public and not being sick, I often had a negative thought in my head... “hey, this is America. OUR air is clean!” Now I realize that they are the experts, having gone through all of those other diseases that hardly touched us. When they recover the supply, a box of N95’s will definitely be collecting dust in the back of the medicine cabinet from now on!