Spoken like a TRUE POLITICIAN ( blowing to the galleries )
Trump has already stated, "we should be very careful that the CURE is NOT worse than the disease."
The solution does not have to be a universal decree, in various countries there may be locations that need a continuation of the virtual lockdown, but only a few and where infection rates and death tolls are much above the average. That might currently apply to parts of Washington state and New York City. I don’t see how the economy can survive a longer (widespread) lockdown and a low end moderate casualty toll is a necessary evil, in particular if it does not substantially exceed what would happen in the absence of any response.
I can’t imagine that progressives would be crazy enough to think that any country could sustain a lockdown for months or an entire year, without an economic collapse. They might think there is something in that for them, but it would become a hell on earth for everybody, with the exception of a very few super rich types, and you have to wonder what role they have played in this, after so much loose talk over the past decade about the need to reduce the population.
I would also like to see a national day of prayer for the health and recovery of the nation and its people. There’s another idea that won’t please the Democrats, but as they like to throw things into packages, we could throw in a prayer for forgiveness of sins. That would really get them going.