POTUS is on to him. POTUS knows Fauci is part of the vaccine lobby and the vaccine patents are owned by a little eugenicist prick named Bill Gates. Fauci does not want Cloroquine-Azithromycin combination treatment which is NOT a vaccine. As Americans, we got a problem on the inside bigtime. Weve known it for years and years but now its coming out in the open. Pandemic Queen Birx too. She was caught transferring tens of millions in new funds to Impeachment Princess Marie Yovanovitch before the Princess was sacked. Transferring the new funds smack in the middle of impeachment, Birx showed what she really was.
WOW!!!!! And I thought that little cutie(Birx) was a Debbie Reynolds sweetheart. Now I learn she's "not so much".
She was smiling with The President near the end of that never-ending meeting last evening. It almost looked like she was HUMAN.
I guess that frolicking was just BS.