Was this the one where Schumer was threatening the justices?
No, the law that Chuck-you Schumer and crazies are protesting is a Louisiana law that requires that doctors have admitting privilege’s at local hospitals. In other words they have to be real doctors.
No. The Louisiana law requires that abortionists must have hospital privileges (within 30 miles) as do all independent surgical offices.
The dirty secret is many abortionists come for one day and leave. That is why they are called fly ins or circuit riders. Most procedures take less than 15 minutes each. The women are all scheduled for that one day Impersonal for the woman but efficient and lucrative for the doctor and abortuary.
Obviously the doctor doesnt have time to counsel or accompany patient to hospital. If there are any medical problems, their patients have to report to emergency rooms and those health care workers are traumatized in caring for women with severe botched abortions complications.
I recommend watching the movie Unplanned about a Planned Parenthood manager who leaves the industry.
A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.
Pope Saint John Paul II,