You’ve given us half of the equation to prove your claim of inflation being higher than reported, But what about the other half such prices coming down on electronics, gasoline etc?
I live in SC and can buy a gallon of whole milk for $1.00 and just bought a 75 inch smart TV for a tad over $800. My take is strong advances in technology will increase production markedly in the near future and this will keep inflation in check.
I am medicare age+ and don’t use much gasoline, electronics, clothes, etc. Mostly it is necessities, such as food, healthcare, utilities, property tax, rent, car repairs, etc are where the money goes. And they are all inflating lot faster than 1.6%. Since my car logs only 5000 miles in a year, gasoline is of no consequence. But cars age with time, and I have to buy a new one every 7-8 years. TV’s based on solid state electronics seem to last for ever. I remember my first few color TV’s needed constant replacement of tubes & cards.