If Trump was engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors, why didn't the House impeach him of those crimes when they sent the articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial?
Because there are no crimes. Just innuendo, speculation, secondhand hearsay and foreign policy disagreements.
This was all a political setup by the democRATS that failed again.
The first 2 sentences are outright lies. Why even bother with the rest of the article.
From the town that brought us “ One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” Now we know exactly where the “Cuckoo’s Nest” is located and who the Cuckoos are, The LA Times editorial board.
In what sense is Ukraine an ally of the United States?
Doesn’t the LASlimes have a tape of 0bama they should be releasing before they move on to any subsequent POTUS?
What a bunch of morons!
Los Angeles is one of many malignant tumors on our left coast, tumors seeded by parent tumors on our east coast.
I don’t know how they can sleep at night knowing they aren’t practicing journalism but merely reduced to spouting untrue political propaganda for the DNC.
Lunatic. Bull. Sh*t.
Impytorial: Send crackhead Hunter Biden to prison
Oh the tears whaaaaaa....
L A Times has been wrong for a very long time. I didn’t even read it when I lived there from Feb 1964 to May 1993.
Funny how much hubris is involved with the idea that less than 300 persons who are in the House are more influential & more important than the 63,000,000 +++ that voted to put Trump into office !!!! ARROGANCE....
I hope this year’s voters exceed 70,000,000-—and even more. For Trump.
The la times is an evil rag and should be terminated.
Liars all of them
Exactly why LA Times readership is off by a million subscribers. It’s been a far left paper for some time. This editorial is pathetic waste of ink/dots.