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To: Alas Babylon!
Love it AB! Good going! Thanks again for what you do week after week!!

So this week I meld both our two million dollar man John Bolton and his book advance, with one of the biggest criminals of all time: Eric Ciaramella. He's the not so secret whistle blower.

Its here.

I started out thinking this week I would delve into John Bolton and determine why he decided to go Romney on us and just what was with him that made him such a phony.

Didn’t take long. I learned he was a Yale grad, first step in deep stateville. He was in deep with Bush/Cheney and 43, second step into secret govt. Also along the way he had a penchant for treating women like dirt,yelling at them abusively,sick, sick.

Bolton, had no use for anyone that didn’t see things his way and simply had that "chaos all the time attitude" of the CIA/cabal rulers of the planet who did the bidding of the Illuminati for way too long. Hard to tell if there was some inner concern for the country or only what he could perpetrate on the country since it was always “his way or the highway” hardly a winning way in any govt. by the people for the people.

So, I felt secure in understanding why Trump got rid of him since loyalty to his(Bolton's) seniors was never high on his list. So much for Bolton.

I surmised he was all about the two million advance on his book and little else.


I started checking into a tip I was given by a revered poster here on FR who often comes up with the greatest of stuff

. ...........................

Eric Ciaramella, CIA whistle blower,turns out was much higher up in the CIA than anyone ever knew. By now everyone knows the ID of the ever so not secret supposed whistle blower Eric Ciaramella of the CIA. His status as a whistle blower was a bit of a stretch. So much that a new addition to whistle blower law had to be added to allow “gossip” to be allowed since Ciaramella was not even in on the call with the other 5,000 listeners.All of whom who heard Trump try and destroy relations with the Ukraine, bribe the Ukrainian potus,seek zillions of Ukrainan votes for himself in the next election all while cursing kitties and puppies that ran roughshod all over the White House.

The first thing I wanted to know was a little history on Ciaramella. "Heavy" details the 34 years old history on that end it’s here:

Eric Ciaramella grew up in Prospect, Connecticut, as one of three children. He spent time attending Woodland Regional High School in Beacon Falls, Connecticut, and then graduated from Chase Collegiate School, in Waterbury, Connecticut, in 2004, according to the prep school’s alumni magazine. After high school, Ciaramella attended Yale University, graduating in 2008 as a Russian and East European studies major.

In 2007, he was awarded a grant by the Yale Macmillan Center for European Union Studies to “research on the perceptions of the EU among rural Italian residents.”(I’m wondering when Ciaramella joined the company. Could it have been 07 or 08? Very possibly) While at Yale, Ciaramella, who speaks Russian, Ukrainian and Arabic, led a protest over the departure of an Arabic department professor,(this alone would be a huge feather in his cap as he became a close confidante to CIA/Brennan: a huge Muslim supporter and follower) according to the Yale Daily News. The student newspaper wrote, “Students convened outside Silliman at 9 a.m., all dressed in white to symbolize their future goal of bridging the gap between the United States and the Middle East through the use of the Arab language, said Eric Ciaramella ’08, one of the students who led the protest.”

Ciaramella also studied at Harvard University, focusing on Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, according to the school’s website. He received a grant in 2009(CIA often provides grants for prospecitve hires or secret hires) for research on “Language in the Public Sphere in Three Post-Soviet Capital Cities,” Tbilisi, Georgia; Yerevan, Armenia; Baku, Azerbaijan.

Ciaramella was additionally a corresponding author for Harvard’s Department of Linguistics and wrote a paper in 2015 titled, “Structural ambiguity in the Georgian verbal noun.” Ciaramella worked at the World Bank after college,(The World Bank is a known CIA haunt for loans of all sorts and as corrupt an institution as there is might even be a possible laundry for CIA) according to a 2011 publication by the international financial institution. In the World Bank report, “Russia: Reshaping Economic Geography,” published in June 2011, Ciaramella is listed in the acknowledgments for making “important contributions” to the research.

On a now-deleted Linked-in profile, he described himself as being a “Consultant, Poverty Reduction/Economic Management” at World Bank. Ciaramella also deleted his Facebook profile page and does not appear to have any other social media.

Public records show that Ciaramella was a registered Democrat while he lived in Connecticut. According to CNN, the inspector general for the intelligence committee mentioned and dismissed concerns about political bias because the whistleblower is registered as a Democrat.(surprise surprise)

Inspector General Michael Atkinson wrote, “Further although the ICIG’s preliminary reviewed identified some indications of bias of an arguable political bias on the part of the complainant in favor of a rival political candidate, such evidence did not change my determination that the complaint relating to the urgent concern ‘appears credible’ particularly given the other information the ICIG obtained during its preliminary review.”

Mark Zaid, an attorney for the whistleblower tweeted in response to the story, “We won’t comment on identifying info but if true, give me a break! Bias? Seriously? Most (people) are.” Another attorney for the whistleblower, Andrew Bakaj, told CNN that the whistleblower had “contact with presidential candidates from both parties in their roles as elected officials — not as candidates,” and said the whistleblower “has never worked for or advised a political candidate, campaign or party.

According to reports by The Washington Post and The New York Times about the whistleblower, prior to Ciaramella being named, and online records, Ciaramella was detailed to the White House to serve as a Ukraine expert with the National Security Council in 2015. He worked under National Security Advisor Susan Rice.(its easy to see the rat line now:Brennan/obamba—Rice Ciaramella) The NSC is made up of analysts and staffers from various intelligence agencies, including the CIA, who are detailed to the White House for a period of time, before eventually returning to their parent agencies. During his time with the National Security Council, Ciaramella also worked with then-Vice President Biden, who was working closely on Ukraine issues at the end of Obama’s time in office.

Ciaramella is also listed as a guest at a 2016 luncheon to honor the prime minister of Italy, along with Biden.


Following aninformal time line let's leave Heavy for awhile and check out a blockbuster post by Little Jeremiah FR’s very own rock star here:

This post is so huge it’s hard to imagine it hasn’t been out there all along and I just missed it but here it is.


Steven W.; caww

] Bringing this over from the old thread, a lot of people stuck in Festival still. Steven W. wrote: “

Greg Rubini @GregRubini

1. ERIC CIARAM3LLA is involved in much darker things than you can imagine. [THREAD] Joe Biden, John Brennan, & Barack Obama are also in it. and Victoria Nuland. The Ukraine Holocaust please RETWEET !

2. in Feb 2014 there was a Coup d’Etat in Ukraine. a violent Coup. There was a massacre in the main square of the capital, Kiev. 100 people were killed.

3. There were SNIPERS at windows of tall buildings surrounding the square. Strategically placed. The snipers from the buildings shot both at protestors, and police officers. It was a HORRIFIC massacre

4. 100 people were killed BY THE SNIPERS. Both Ukranian citizens and police officers. That was The Ukraine Holocaust.

5. the SNIPERS were professional mercenaries. They were hired and paid to do that job. Their assigned job was to KILL about 100 people. They had been given precise instructions. hired and paid BY WHOM?

6. Why did 100 people had to be brutally killed? Because the CIA Director John Brennan and Victoria Nuland (State Dept.) wanted 100 people killed. That would trigger a Coup d’Etat in Ukraine. Which in fact happened.

7. And WHO organized those SNIPERS in Ukraine, to make this massacre? WHO hired them? WHO paid them? ERIC CIARAMELLA. E.C. in this photo with Victoria Nuland:

8. Eric Ciaramella was assigned that task by the CIA Director John Brennan. Brennan was the CIA Director at that tme, in 2014. and Eric Ciaramella was, and is, a CIA Operative. he was Brennan’s CIA point man in Ukraine, in 2014.

9. Eric Ciaramella is a CIA Operative, he speaks fluently Ukrainian and Russian. Ciaramella was the perfect guy for the job. And a Brennan Loyalist. Ciaramella has been many times in Ukraine. He flew several times to Ukraine with Joe Biden.

10. Eric Ciaramella is the guy responsible for the UKRAINE HOLOCAUST which killed 100 people. This is why the CIA and the DEEP STATE protects him.

11. And this is why the DEEP STATE and the CIA do not want Eric Ciaramella’s name to be spoken.

@RandPaul @HawleyMO This is the reason of the COVER-UP. COVER-UP also by the Chief Justice John Roberts - who is compromised, blackmailed & OWN by the CIA.(remember the research I did over many years on how Roberts smuggled his kids into the US first from Ireland than to Central America and than the US—he was outed during Obmacare by Brennan and Clapper)

12. This is why there are GAG ORDERS not to pronounce Ciaramella’s name. GAG ORDERS by the CIA. The HORRIFIC Truth of what Ciaramella did in Ukraine, cannot be revealed.

13. ERIC CIARAMELLA hired and paid the SNIPERS, and organized the Ukraine massacre under John Brennan's orders. But WHO authorized Brennan to proceed with the massacre of 100 people in Ukraine? None other than Barack Hussein O.” Regarding the previous administration:

“Goes all the way to the top “

. ..........

And a reply from caww, who did incredible research on the Ukraine situation in 2014:

The description goes further than what I was aware of at the time but we surely knew there was nasty business going on with Nuland and the others with her


I’ve only recently been looking at recent developments on Biden


was listening to Gulliani on Fox this past week which tripped my interest further


here’s the link and worth the listen I think. He does mention names which I have yet to confirm further


and I do trust Gulliani’s investigation work

... 153 posted on 1/31/2020, 11:46:00 AM by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 151 | View Replies | Report Abuse]


Putting it all together we now see why Schiff for brains could never afford to have Ciaramella on the witness stand and answer a bunch of questions he would have to lie his ass off about. (Lots of good stuff here about Ciaramella here as well To think that Ciaramella was so tight with Brennan that he would dare to hire a bunch of hit men to go out and kill 100 Ukranians including 40 police officers and 60 protestors to start a civil war just lets you know who the CIA is and who Ciaramella is as well.Arch criminals of the worst kind!

continuing with the “heavy” piece on Ciaramella:

Ciaramella Remained at the NSC During the Earlier Months of the Trump Administration & an Email Ciaramella Sent While He Was Still Assigned to NSC Was Cited in the Mueller Report(so just like Peter strzok worked for CIA,FBI and DNI Ciaramella was with the NSA and CIA while holding administrative jobs in both the obama and Trump administrations) Katie McMaster, HR McMaster wife, Kathleen Trotter McMaster National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster speaks during a briefing at the White House on May 16, 2017. Eric Ciaramella did not leave the National Security Council at the end of the Obama administration.

He remained in place during the first few months of the Trump White House. The NSC staff was at a barebones level at the time after the resignation of Lt. General Michael Flynn, who had been Trump’s first National Security Adviser.

Ciaramella worked on Eastern European issues along with another Obama administration holdover, Fiona Hill.(hill yet another CIA asset) When Lt. General H.R. McMaster was named Trump’s new national security adviser, Ciaramella served as McMaster’s personal aide.

In the summer of 2017, Ciaramella returned to the CIA, where he is still an active employee. An email sent by Ciaramella while he was still assigned to the NSC was cited as a footnote in Robert Mueller’s report on the Trump investigation. The email was titled “(5/10/17 Email, Ciaramella to Kelly et al.),” but details of the email are not included in the redacted report.

Ciaramella is no stranger to drawing the ire of Trump supporters. He was named by the far-right as a supposed member of the “deep state” in 2017 and was the subject of ("baseless accusations",give me a break)”baseless accusations” accusing him of leaking information to the media, simply because of his ties to former members of the Obama administration, including ex-National Security Adviser Susan Rice, who has often been accused of trying to undermine Trump.

His ties to Rice, Brennan, Clapper and Obama made him an easy target for the right.(andhe should be!!) He was accused of leaking information to the media about Michael Flynn’s conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, Ciaramella was also accused of being a major leaker while working with McMaster.

According to a March 2019 article in Politico: Trump political appointees were believed to frequently talk to journalists who worked for conservative media outlets. For months, those outlets published names of career Civil and Foreign Service officers in the NSC and other government agencies whose loyalties they deemed suspect. Career staffers who had joined the U.S. government many years, sometimes decades, earlier were suddenly cast as Obama loyalists determined to derail Trump’s agenda as part of a “deep state.”

The people targeted included a State Department civil servant of Iranian descent who’d joined the government under the George W. Bush administration; a highly respected Foreign Service officer who dealt with Israeli issues; and an NSC staffer who dealt with European and Russian issues. The latter, Eric Ciaramella, reportedly left the NSC after receiving death threats

. ..............................

Leave "heavy"

So now we see the full story of just who Eric Ciaramella was and is! Would not surprise me if he was a mockingbird CIA type as well.Would fit his MO. More goodies here:

and finally a lot more here on traitor Ciaramella:


In the end you have to ask yourself isn’t the entire game of throwing one thing after another at Trump simply to cover the misdeeds, illegality of the hard left dems? Aren’t they covering their own ass using their time old method of projection?

Here’s a blisterting example I got from the FR’s very own Q thread:

Adam Schiff-Ukraine connection comes under scrutiny

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who has played a leading role in investigating the Trump-Ukraine scandal, is facing questions about his own connection to a Soviet-born businessman who has raised money for his campaign and whose company has received lucrative defense contracts from Ukraine’s government. That man is Igor Pasternak, the founder and CEO of Worldwide Aeros Corp., which makes blimps for military and commercial customers. His business has also been involved in weapons manufacturing, working with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to produce a modified version of the M4 and M16 rifles, according to reports.

Just when you think you are done:

My question today is about whether or not individuals who were holdovers from the Obama National Security Council and Democrat partisans conspired with Schiff staffers to plot impeaching the President before there were formal House impeachment proceedings.

1:19 PM · Jan 30, 2020·

Twitter for iPhone 43K Retweets 115.8K Likes

Senator Rand Paul @RandPaul ·

Jan 30 Replying to @RandPaul My exact question was:

Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together 1/2 Senator Rand Paul @RandPaul ·

Jan 30 and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings.

2/2 Senator Rand Paul @RandPaul ·

Jan 30

My question is not about a “whistleblower” as I have no independent information on his identity. My question is about the actions of known Obama partisans within the NSC and House staff and how they are reported to have conspired before impeachment proceedings had even begun.

Debra Garrett @debragarrett · Jan 30 Replying to @RandPaul Thank you Senator for trying. It’s ridiculous how Roberts is protecting the Democrats Greg Rubini @GregRubini · Jan 30 Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt and compromised.

(once again my work that began mainly years ago on Roberts and how he illegally adopted his kids that was always viewed as conspiracy now seems "not to be so conspiratorial" these days: as I like to say: “its a conspiracy theory,until its not.”)


So in the end Piglosi impeaches Trump to cover up for a myriad of criminality on her side.Everyone from her son,Paul,Biden,his son, Schiff for brains,Hillary, and who knows how many more all have jeopardy should the truth hit the fan.

21 posted on 02/02/2020 5:14:17 AM PST by rodguy911
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To: rodguy911

Eric C word is very familiar with coups. Looks like he and Pelosi manufactured this through Schiff. Now Schumer will cover all this up even if they were to investigate.

How do they keep someone who organized the massacre of a hundred Ukrainians.

33 posted on 02/02/2020 5:34:44 AM PST by bray (Pray for President Trump)
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To: rodguy911

Jan 30 and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings.

2/2 Senator Rand Paul @RandPaul ·

Jan 30

My question is not about a “whistleblower” as I have no independent information on his identity. My question is about the actions of known Obama partisans within the NSC and House staff and how they are reported to have conspired before impeachment proceedings had even begun.

Debra Garrett @debragarrett · Jan 30 Replying to @RandPaul Thank you Senator for trying. It’s ridiculous how Roberts is protecting the Democrats Greg Rubini @GregRubini · Jan 30 Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt and compromised.

(once again my work that began mainly years ago on Roberts and how he illegally adopted his kids that was always viewed as conspiracy now seems “not to be so conspiratorial” these days: as I like to say: “its a conspiracy theory,until its not.”)


So in the end Piglosi impeaches Trump to cover up for a myriad of criminality on her side.Everyone from her son,Paul,Biden,his son, Schiff for brains,Hillary, and who knows how many more all have jeopardy should the truth hit the fan.


Ciaramella isn’t someone you just fire...needs to be in prison. If Barr, et al, don’t indict these, then we will know they never intended to. That would be dark and telling.

38 posted on 02/02/2020 5:40:24 AM PST by CincyRichieRich (Vote for President Trump in 2020 or end up equally miserable, no rights, and eating zoo animals)
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To: rodguy911

And yet, Rod, the failed impeachment is bouncing off the Donald like a rain drop on a duck’s back.

Let them keep digging their holes.

Not only will the Donald be acquitted, he will easily win reelection.

If they had one ounce of introspection, they’d change tactics and strategies.

They don’t, and they won’t.

45 posted on 02/02/2020 5:45:12 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (The prisons do not fill themselves. Get moving, Barr!)
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To: rodguy911

Wow! What you’ve presented convinces me that the Deep State is so “dark and deep” that its roots are firmly planted in HELL!
May God protect our President, and our FREE REPUBLIC!

51 posted on 02/02/2020 5:50:09 AM PST by milagro (There is no peace in appeasement!)
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To: rodguy911

Great stuff and insights as usual.

Also look at how the question by Paul,was sanitized, to include fox, when you see his full tweeted version names are used, I’m assuming that’s what Roberts saw, not the I asked a question about individuals that even Faux tries to pass off.

So Roberts knows the danger of Ciamerrlas name and scrubs the real question when Paul is getting at preplanned attack on Trump with what anywhere else would be a “ innocent till proven guilty” type of inquiry.

To the astute observer Roberts by pulling his decline showed the Dems strategy of “ accuse and deny” Guilty in spite of facts farce of an impeachment and as you point out the protect the whistleblower at all costs strategy as there could be even darker significance

57 posted on 02/02/2020 5:51:56 AM PST by patriotspride
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To: rodguy911
58 posted on 02/02/2020 5:53:56 AM PST by onyx (#StandWithICE. - #KAG #TRUMP2020Landslide)
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To: rodguy911
Interesting read

The "factual" information on Ciaramella was interesting. But this "Greg Rubini" sounds like a complete Q-like crank. Secret trials at Guantanamo and crap like that. So I do not believe Eric Ciaramella paid the Ukrainian snipers, but I do believe that he was involved with back channel Ukrainian policy on behalf of the deep state.

If the CIA was directed to help produce certain outcomes in the Ukraine, which seems probable, then it's likely there was corruption involved starting with the Bidens. I don't think anything the Obama administration did was 100% corrupt or corruption-free, but I lean towards corruption, and CIAramella in the middle of it.

103 posted on 02/02/2020 6:24:52 AM PST by palmer (Democracy Dies Six Ways to Sunday)
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To: rodguy911
SNIPERS were professional mercenaries. They were hired and paid to do that job. Their assigned job was to KILL about 100 people. They had been given precise instructions. hired and paid BY WHOM?

WHO organized those SNIPERS in Ukraine, to make this massacre? WHO hired them? WHO paid them? ERIC CIARAMELLA.

He's one of several murdering RATs who need to be in Gitmo NOW!...awaiting a military tribunal.

(Brennen, Clapper, Hildabeast, J Effin K, Omoeba et al)

188 posted on 02/02/2020 7:46:32 AM PST by ROCKLOBSTER (We need to reach across the aisle, extend a hand...And slap the crap out of them)
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To: rodguy911

There are so many great investigators on this as well as the Q site. Whether you believe in “Q” or not, they started the trend of digging up the information for yourself and to think for yourself. George Webb has been light years ahead of the curve too.
I hope the first thing POTUS and DOJ should do after this shampeachment, is pull Bolton’s passport, find out and arrest whoever gave his book to the NJSlimes( it could Bolton himself). I believe that Schiff was given a copy as there is no way the house managers could have had all those slides ready 2 hrs after the Slimes article appeared. Someone is protecting Bolton. Who could that be?
Court martial the Vindman brothers too.

268 posted on 02/02/2020 9:48:13 AM PST by pugmama (Come fly with me.)
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To: rodguy911


301 posted on 02/02/2020 11:33:42 AM PST by Irish Eyes
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To: rodguy911


319 posted on 02/02/2020 6:13:33 PM PST by Seattle Conservative (God Bless and Protect our Troops and their CIC)
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