There is nothing racist about anything I’ve said- Islam isn’t a race- it’s a murderous ideology- That is not to say all muslims are murderous- but it must be pointed out that in islam there is something called Taqiyya, and i do not think it wise to play with fire- As I pointed out- We’ve been deceived by our own citizens who we thought we ‘more conservative than most people we know’, and here we have a woman who belongs to a religion that thinks nothing about practicing Taqiyya-
I’m sure many many folks thought that the 9/11 weren’t a problem while they were living here in the Us and going to our schools and learning to fly-
I am not suggesting all muslims are like those folks- however- I do not think it’s a wise thing, knowing about Taqiyya, that we keep filling our governments up with muslims for the reasons I’ve stated- No more so than i would think a wise thing to keep electing Russian immigrants to our governments- or Chinese immigrants to our governments- We have seen tiem and again russian and chinese folks stealing from us- who work in sensitive areas- and i no more would not like to see more working in government regardless of how many ‘more conservative than most’ I come across in my lifetime- because of the facts I’ve discussed
Ethnicity is NOT the issue- so don’t accuse me of that- I would NOT prefer a full blooded American who converted to islam over a conservative who was Christian in government either-
I’m wondering what kind of law you’d propose to bar people of certain backgrounds from office.