Well, well..... I saw her on Fox and Friends this morning but missed the fact she was Republican. She’s the real deal
Her appearance belies all the Fox bashing that is brought here by ignorant folks
I appeared on Fox & Friends this morning to discuss my campaign launch. WATCH NOW to hear why Im running and why its SO important to defeat Ilhan Omar >> https://t.co/dggf9VgeIk— Dalia al-Aqidi (@Dalia4Congress) January 17, 2020
(click the link for the video)
Really? Read the Quran,dumbass. If she's not using taqiyya (lying),which is permissible,she's an apostate and deserves death even more than a dhimmi. (That's you.)
Islam is not compatible with freedom. Why do you think they haven't evolved over 1400 yrs like the rest of humanity? Get away from the "idiot box and educate yourself.