Well this is what VA gets for electing a bunch of radical communists to offices in their state.
“Well this is what VA gets for electing a bunch of radical communists to offices in their state....”
Please, I know we’re fighting for the same freedoms, but I hate this response. We’re a Constitutional representative republic. That means the Constitution can not be altered by our Reps no matter what polls state and what the citizens think or want——these are written God given rights that government can not change unless the following is done: If they don’t like the 2A and state equivalents? Then get 2/3 of the House and senate and President along wit 3/4’s of the states to agree on a convention then change it during that time-——THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BYPASS THE CONSTITUTION-—PERIOD! We are to hold them accountable and what they’re doing is illegal! No matter who gets voted in the Bill of Rights can not be bypassed unless how I mentioned above-—period!