So what? We have a TREATY!
Or, in a panic after yesterday’s debacle, House Dems scrambled to bring in a backup player to testify, hoping this one doesn’t disintegrate under pressure.
Aaaaaaaaaand . . . it’s hearsay.
Dems have blown it once again. Stupid democrats.
Much like elections with the vote counts, the DEMs have found an additional “witness” well after their “investigation”.
It doesn’t matter if 6000 people heard it. There is a transcript of the TRUMP call with the President of the Ukraine!
Well that’s it. Sounds like a smoking whoopee-cushion to me.
Trump better start packing. /s
If a foreign nation is corrupt, and bribed the son of sitting Vice President, should it continue to receive US aid?
“President caught Presidenting!”
By Tuesday we will be getting BREAKING NEWS about rape trains.
So? This is part of state dept policy.
“Great!” exclaimed Nancy. “Let’s dig a bigger hole”
Again, just like the Kavanaugh hearings. A second accuser, a third accusers. OMG, the accusations just keep piling up...Please watch our show, pay no attention to that school shooting...
A second “Kavanaugh” witness.
1. Is it common practice for Ambassadors to call the President directly?
2. Is it common practice to use unsecured cell phones to talk to the President?
3. Is it common practice to talk to the President on an unsecured cell phone while in a public place?
4. Did he have the thing on speaker phone, or did the staffer just hear one side of the conversation?
5. Who called who?
We’re supposed to buy this Schitt?
One of my college drinking buddies overheard that call, too. He tuned in when he heard the words “E.F Hutton”. . . . /sarc
The Rats are deserving of heaping doses of ridicule.
This whole thing makes no sense. They are impeaching the President for being the President. How does one “overhear” the President’s call?
Did Trump make this call on a party line?