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To: july4thfreedomfoundation

I remember Florida in 2000. On one side, you had the rural parts of the state and Cubans angry at the high-handedness of the Clinton administration on the Elian matter. On the other, you had liberals in the urban centers, and the usual illegal aliens masquerading as dead people still on the roles, a prodigious and growing part of the Florida voting population. But the Cubans were really really pissed. So Florida went narrowly Republican.

I hope you are right about Maine.

But as for New York, the city by that name is a Democrat fiefdom, but in that stronghold Donald Trump is a living legend, for good reason, and long before he ever got into politics.

I remember once delivering some papers to 40 Wall Street. I never saw a more beautiful, tasteful lobby in an office building. And the lobby receptionists beamed with pride when I expressed my admiration. The changes he’s wrought to the NY skyline are indelible and monumental. And then there’s his personality, which is pure New York City without the negative connotations. He is a well-loved living legend in NYC.

So never mind the traditional, reflexive liberalism of New York City. Every presidential election is a tug of war between upstate New York and The City. And right now, I would wager, if I had anything to bet, that in all five boroughs of The City and a good chunk of Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk, too, there are some seriously pissed off people, who are furious with the treatment of their personal living legend. I know I am, and I left NY about 15 years ago, but NY City has not left me, and when they slander Donald Trump they are slandering New York City and the cultural and business climate that made him, and the many people who love him. The tug of war between upstate and New York is thus likely to take an unexpected turn. Republicans have won in NYC, whenever things have gotten really bad, as they are right now, I’ve heard. The last Republican savior of the city was Rudy Giuliani, himself a living legend well remembered and highly regarded. And he’s best buds with...guess who.

As for California, the people there might have finally noticed that their life has sucked for a long time, about as long as California’s been a one-party state. I’ll throw caution to the winds and say that it will go red, despite the mass insanity and sanctuary cities.

32 posted on 10/29/2019 10:14:44 AM PDT by Eleutheria5 (If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.)
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To: Eleutheria5

I grew up in Suffolk County on Long Island and spent a lot of time in Manhattan when I was a kid. My father had a business a stone’s throw from Rockefeller Center....a photography business that developed large color photographs for the advertising agencies in the city.

There are still a lot of conservatives on Long Island. I have a lot of relatives there, in Nassau and Suffolk counties....and most....not all, but most....of them are Trump supporters.

I also lived in California during the 1970’s, 1980’s and the early 1990’s, mostly in Santa Barbara. The state used to be VERY conservative over all. The good old days.

34 posted on 10/29/2019 11:44:53 AM PDT by july4thfreedomfoundation (Adam Schitt.....the enemy of the people!)
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To: Eleutheria5
The changes he’s wrought to the NY skyline are indelible and monumental. And then there’s his personality, which is pure New York City without the negative connotations. He is a well-loved living legend in NYC.

Then why did every borough except Staten Island overwhelmingly vote for Clinton?

38 posted on 10/29/2019 2:16:35 PM PDT by Bubba Ho-Tep ("The rat always knows when he's in with weasels."--Tom Waits)
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