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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV

The District of Corruption thought it was perfectly built as a well run money machine for over a hundred years. It is a perfect mesh between the politicians, bureaucrats and mediots to centralize power for the entire country and even the world. Generations of families have made this their livelihoods making sure their children have the best paying and most powerful jobs in the country for generations to come.

Some historians may point to the Rockefellers, Fords and Carnegies as the titans of capitalism, but the real titans were the Roosevelts, Kennedys and Hoovers who build bureaus which have had unlimited power with almost no oversight by the people’s branches of gummit. Add to that you have media institutions which are owned by the DNC and you have unchecked power the world has never known.

In theory the press was supposed to be the watchdog of society. There would always be a bias, back in the days of printed news, you would have a conservative paper and a liberal one such as the New York Times and the NY Post but in the media you do not have that. They claim Fox News is the counter to the entire Industrial Media Complex which is the Big 3, ABC, NBC and CBS and a dozen cable channels who all want Fox eliminated, so much for free speech.

The irony of Fox is it used to occupy what would be considered the middle and give both sides of the story which for the rest of the media complex found unacceptable and is now barely distinguishable from CNN. How did this happen where hearing from other than the most radical of politics is acceptable and anything else is not? The reason is all of the media has come from the same DC swamp and worked for radical DNC politicians.

Media stars such as F Chuck worked for Senator Tom Harkin, Chris Mathews for Reagan hater Tip O’Neill and of course George Step-on-all-of-us who ran the Clinton War Room and many say still does. Other than the female Eye Candy who are all hardcore Socialists, nearly all of the media stars and producers not only worked for DNC politicians they worked for the stalwarts who have always wanted a Communist America.

This is why everything is coordinated between DNC talking points and media clichés being dispersed daily on the group text so everyone knows what and how to say every point with the greatest affect. There is complete fluidity through the DNC, the media and Moscow on the Potomac as the heads of all the bureaus are in communication with both entities leaking information to promote their agenda. After a hundred years of building this indestructible façade, a funny thing happened on the way to the Coliseum, an outsider got elected.

President Donald J Trump panicked the entire complex through the NE Corridor as everyone saw their multi-million dollar jobs being lost. What if someone came in who did not know how things were done with the never ending scratchy scratchy and he wanted real results? This is not how things are done in DC or the media; it is all a mirror maze to enrich each other through graft and bribes. Just look at the Clinton Family Laundry if you want to see the way the money is skimmed.

The Foundation is a tax free PAC which takes in donations to supposedly help the needy during emergencies. By being named the Clinton Foundation, 15% of the proceeds goes to the Clintons for the use of their prestigious label. The rest of the money is supposed to go to charities, but usually the only charity these go to is the person or families the foundation is named after which is why the Clintons and her family is worth hundreds of millions. We now have the Obama Foundation and we will soon see the AirheadOC foundation and on it goes.

The money comes to the foundation through bribing the namesake. Over a billion came in while she was Secretary of State from the countries America was funding and so it goes inside the Beltway of Bribery. If you do not have the size of scale the Clintons have you simply launder it through the spouse or family the way Biden and Pelosi do it and make their families filthy rich.

Beltway Bureaucrats like Comey and his traitorous ilk would sign gummit contracts with a big contractor and then become a consultant making millions doing “consulting” work. Comey worked for Lockheed Martin the huge defense contractor while he took a brief time off the FBI who was doing billions of dollars with his buddy Robert Mueller then head of the FBI. This was simply another Hunter Biden arrangement where you hire someone to get who you need to answer the phone to answer the phone. Comey made six million a year so Lockheed could sell billions to the FBI. Technically it is not a bribe by DC rules.

Where does a corrupt bureaucrat or politician go once he loses his job in DC? He gets a raise and then goes and works for the media since he has all the connections they want and is rewarded for all those damaging top secret leaks over the years. After all it is very likely Comey and Brennan of the CIA had the White House bugged and was leaking Trump phone calls for months after the inauguration until he fixed the “air conditioning” with a complete sweep by his own people.

The beauty of Trump is he has exposed the entire game and explains it in two words: Fake News. Fake News explains the entire District of Corruption, the entire complex is fake as an extension of the Communist Party. From top to bottom they have one goal and are one entity with one outcome which is the destruction of capitalism and the institution of socialism. They think they can do it right and by right they mean have all the power and make all the money. This would make this inner circle wealthy beyond their wildest dreams while the outer circle have their biggest nightmare.

Trump is the biggest threat to their plan in over a hundred years. Bigger than Hitler, bigger than Reagan and more dangerous than Russia, China and North Korea combined. Lincoln said the definition of an honest politician was one who once he was bought he stays bought, you cannot buy Trump. Nobody has enough money to buy him and he loves this country the way it was which is why he is an immense threat to all of their livelihoods and their children’s.

This monstrosity has been built over decades and it is a way of life which is expected and enforced as we have seen. No telling how many elections were rigged by the swamp or how many campaigns are being spied on today? Half of the country agrees with this police state way of doing things from ABDNCBS to the FBI and alphabet agencies, they all assist centralizing all the power to them.

Half of the country wants just the opposite and want to eliminate the police state tactics of DC and give more freedom to the individual which is what President Trump represents. This has caused panic in the swamp as their way of doing business has been exposed to the light of day.

One man miraculously winning an election has knocked Humpty Dumpty off the wall and all of the Kings Horses and all of the Kings spokesmen are not putting him together again.

Pray for President Trump

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 10/27/2019 5:09:22 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The media is after us. Trump's just in the way.)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Sunday 10/27/19

Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank you Rodguy for fishing tales and political perspectives from all angles, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.


Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.

Tues 10/22/19



Romney's Twitter name


So his Twitter name is Pierre Delecto.

Who knew Romney had Twitter?

Below, an excellent post from FreeRepublic.

According to various online dictionaries, the latin word “delecto” has a variety of meanings. Those meanings include “[verb] delight, please, amuse, fascinate; charm, lure, entice; be a source of delight. Thus, Pierre Delecto translated into English most commonly means Peter Delight, or Delightful Peter. That has to be intentional, doesn’t it?


Puerto Rico Mayor praises Bernie Sanders and blames President Trump for Climate Change

They don’t come any dumber than this guy.


Carmen Yulín Cruz, the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, said at a Bernie Sanders (I-VT) 2020 campaign rally in New York City on Saturday that thousands of Puerto Ricans died because of Donald Trump and that climate change is real and also is responsible for deaths in the U.S. territory.

“I am not a climate change expert,” Cruz said standing in front of a sea of “Bernie” signs. “I am a climate change survivor.”


Finally, the Tulsi Gabbard/Hillary Clinton Feud

This has been one of the most entertaining feuds of the week.

First, Hillary says:

Gabbard, a Hawaii Democratic congresswoman, and Clinton have been sparring since the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee went on a podcast with former Obama adviser David Plouffe last week and said she wasn’t “making any predictions, but [thinks Russians] have got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate.”

So Tulsi responds.

 Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a …


Heh. Gotta love it.



Weds 10/23/19

 Report: CIA Deep State Actors Linked to Origin of Russia Hoax Lawyer Up>

So the actors in this Mueller probe are looking for lawyers? As well they should.

Supposedly the DOJ has found interesting things.

Is anybody surprised?

There’s Brenner, Comey, Struck/Strock….on and on.

The whole bunch of them planned, and are still planning, on throwing our duly elected president out of office.

After all, they must preserve their ill-gotten wealth.



The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) review into the origins of the Russian collusion hoax probe has reportedly prompted some CIA analysts in the crosshairs of investigators to lawyer up.

NBC News made the revelation on Monday, adding that DOJ “has found something significant” and expanded the review.

The news outlet also found: [Connecticut U.S. Attorney John] Durham has also requested to talk to CIA analysts involved in the intelligence assessment of Russia’s activities, prompting some of them to hire lawyers, according to three former CIA officials familiar with the matter. And there is tension between the CIA and the Justice Department over what classified documents Durham can examine, two people familiar with the matter said.



The very child-like Justin Trudeau has been re-voted into office so not much change there.



Both interviews, one deadly boring and one very intriguing, happed on Monday, 10/21/19.

First was an interview of Fox’s Bret Baer on the Rush Limbaugh radio show.

That was horribly boring. I don’t know what the book he wrote was called and don’t care to look it up. Something about FDR.

Rush Limbaugh had to have his arm twisted to do such an interview because he rarely does interviews and guys, Brett Baer is about as boring as they come. That and his hair is painted on.

The second interview was by Sean Hannity and the subject was none other than President Trump.

Sean did a great job and the president handled it very well. My attention was held for the better part of an hour .

Congratulations Sean. You did a great job.


Time for a little smile

Thurs 10/24/19


So it turns out that there might be some movement by the Republicans to chastise this nonsense by the Democrats who insist on impeaching our duly elected president.



Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is planning to introduce a resolution condemning the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, and argued that any articles should be dismissed in the Senate without a trial.


"This resolution puts the Senate on record condemning the House. ...Here's the point of the resolution: Any impeachment vote based on this process, to me, is illegitimate, is unconstitutional, and should be dismissed in the Senate without a trial," Graham told Fox News's Sean Hannity.


This is utter nonsense being done by the Democrats in the House. I’d protest just as much if the Republicans were doing the same thing to the Republicans.

Can we act like we’re civilized and follow a fair and organized procedure?


Mitt Romney Not Being Admired so much. 

Guy adapts a weird user Twitter name of Pierre in Delicate, or some such.

What a piece of work this guy is.


After weeks and weeks and weeks of attacking Republican President Donald Trump Mitt Romney’s approval rating in his adopted state of Utah is underwater.


Only 46% of Utah voters approve of Mitt Romney. 51% disapprove.


NOT politics by pat



TV “Bad Guys”

I’ve been keeping track of various TV plots and sub-plots that make villains of those the liberal media consider such.

First, on NCIS New Orleans aired on 10/17/19, ICE…yes the immigration people, was depicted as bad guys who are deporting poor immigrants back to their home country to be tortured.


No way would this happen in real life. It is widely advertised that there are places where escaping immigrants can go to be granted asylum in the U.S.

In a “Special Victims Unit” aired on 10/17/19, a young girl around 15 was raped an impregnated by her stepfather. In desperation to avoid bearing his child, the girl runs away to obtain an abortion without her parents’ knowledge.

This show made the mother of this young girl look like a real nut job. She refused to allow her daughter to abort the baby, which she referred to as her grandchild.

Also a bunch of church types showed up and screamed against an abortion for this young girl, she should bear her stepfather’s baby they shouted.

Of course it is a difficult scenario. For sure the unborn child is guilty of no crime but this sort of thing just won’t happen in America. Forcing young girls to bear their rapists’ baby will never be the norm.

Right or wrong it ain’t going to happen.

But this sort of thing does not happen all that often. Most performed abortions are not to remove the unborn the result of rape. To use these isolated incidents as justification to wantonly rip the unborn from their mother’s womb, even up to birth, is a bit deceitful.


Finally, a program in the series “The Good Doctor”, a show featuring a talented surgeon who is autistic, a strange show but intriguing in its own way.

This most recent series, aired the week of 10/21/19, had the autistic doctor’s friend having a cow when he discovered his fiancé had a loaded gun in the house.

The entire episode had the guy getting all roiled because he hates guns, he HATES guns, he HATES GUNS….and could not stand the thought of having a gun in the house.


These people go to get a grip.

I was once married to a cop. He used to hang his loaded gun, in its holster, over the bed post. At the time I had a 5 year old child. He had two young adolescents. We were both widowed and thus all shared the same house.

“My kids have been taught since they were babies to NEVER fool with a loaded gun,” he would argue as I asked him to please hide the loaded, hanging gun.

But my very young child was new to this and yes, I didn’t want him to get rid of it, but hanging it over a bed post?


This show did not have children and the woman kept the gun in a safe with a combination.

But those gun nuts….you know they need to all be taken outside and shot with their own loaded weapons.



Thought the below was clever so wanted to include it for yon reader.



1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down.

2. Learn how to cook a signature dish.

3. Spend 30 min a day reading up on current events.

4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.

5. Request the late check-out.

6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.

7. Hold your heroes to a higher standard.

8. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.

9. Play with passion or don’t play at all…

10. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.

11. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be

12. Who ever you choose to marry...., you marry his/her family / children

13. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.

14. Experience the serenity of traveling alone.

15. Never be afraid to talk to the best looking person in the room.

16. Never turn down a breath mint.

17. A classic outfit is worth 1000 words.

18. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.

19.Thank a veteran.

20. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it.

21.Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win.

22. Manners make the woman.

23. Give credit. Take the blame.

24. Stand up to Bullies. Protect those bullied.

25. Write down your dreams.

26. Add value everywhere you go.

27. Be confident and humble at the same time.

28. If ever in doubt, REMEMBER WHOSE DAUGHTER YOU ARE and REFUSE to just be ordinary!

29. Change the world, don't let it change you.

30. Always be you! Hold your head up high, Be confident whenever you walk into a room and stay strong.

31. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you are less of a person. They have the problem, not you.

32. As your mother, I will ALWAYS have your back.

Fri 10/25/19

GOP Lawmakers Storm Secure Impeachment Chamber – Stage ‘Sit-In’

Couple of items about the day Republicans grew something between their legs besides air.

Understand that the details of what exactly transpired during the great Republican revolt are conflicting.

For now, we provide the picture and stories of the day.

First, the great pizza story.



Members of the House Freedom Caucus such as Reps. Biggs, Meadows, Gohmert, Jordan and Gaetz led the way Wednesday.

The House Democrats brought in Pentagon official Laura Cooper for another secret hearing and the Republicans were not having it and stormed the SCIF [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility].

The Republicans staged a “sit-in” and ordered pizza!

GOP Reps. Scalise and Jordan bought Domino’s Pizza and offered some to the press.


GOP lawmakers storm closed-door impeachment session, as Schiff walks out

Here we have the great Schiff walking out story.



House Republicans led by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., on Wednesday essentially stormed a closed-door session connected to the impeachment investigation of President Trump, prompting House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to suspend the proceedings in a remarkable scene.

  The standoff happened Wednesday morning after lawmakers held a press conference in hich they accused House Democrats of lack of transparency.



The hero of this day was evidently Rep. Matt Gaetz, from Florida.



“We’re going to try and go in there, and we’re going to try to figure out what’s going on, on behalf of the millions of Americans that we represent that want to see this Congress working for them and not obsess with attacking a president who we believe has not done anything to deserve impeachment,” Gaetz said.


Editorial-Republicans Fight Back

Though I’ve listened to the daily events with a dedication as regards the events on Wednesday 10/23/19, I am still a bit confused.

Right now all I am to understand is that a bunch of Republicans stormed some sort of citadel in the nation’s capital which I knew nothing about. A room that does not allow radio waves or some such into the room so that data is not released without.

Seems the wonderful and honest Adam Schiff is holding secret meetings in this room that no one but he can release the secret plans to take down our duly elected president.

It’s a start.

Because anyone who thinks it’s just the Democrats involved in this dastardly series of exercises, all failures, to take down he who we, the great unwashed, elected…well I got a bridge to sell such an individual, cheap.

Two words…Mitt Romney.

What a disappointment and traitor he turned out to be.

He lost to Obama. I voted for the guy.

Now he slaps us all in the face that we all elected Trump.

But for now, the Republicans, prodded by shouts from Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and other conservative media, finally are making a move.

For now I continue to watch and hope my weary head sorts it all out.

Sat 10/26/19


So Lindsay Graham introduces a bill to censure Adam Schiff, he if whose lips are moving is lying. There are as of this writing, 9 GOP Senators who won’t vote for the resolution.

Evidently these fine folk adore Adam Schiff.

The GOP senators not cosponsoring the resolution as of Thursday afternoon, according to a list from Graham's office, are: Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio).


Barr and Durham Shift to Criminal Investigation


The big news this week, as my weary head starts to understand it all, is that the appointed prosecutor by AJ Barr, Durham, has his investigation turned into a criminal investigation.

Dunham is, allegedly, looked wisely upon by both Democrats and Republicans (remember, they said the same thing about Mueller…who can’t even talk). Dunham had been investigating this attempted coup to take down the duly elected President of the United States. As I am to understand, such investigators are not allowed to issue subpoenas, form a grand jury….etc…UNLESS…TADA, their investigation shifts to a criminal investigation.

This action is certainly not good news for the likes of Comey, Strzck, McCabe….the whole lot of dishonest characters who did their best to rid the country of Trump.

Looks like the hammer will soon be coming down upon.

I hope justice is served. But, ah, I will believe it when I see it.



  What has to this point been an administrative inquiry into the origins of the Obama-era efforts by the coup cabal to spy on the Trump Campaign and Transition team will now become a full criminal inquiry. As the New York Times reluctantly reported, the move gives Durham and his team of prosecutors and investigators “the power to subpoena for witness testimony and documents, to convene a grand jury and to file criminal charges.”


Elijah’s Funeral Services

Why yes I did see some of the funeral service of recently deceased Baltimore congress critter, Elijah Cummings.

I am from Baltimore.

Cummings was not the hero he was praised to be but let the dead rest in peace.

Nancy Pelosi, my childhood friend, is too from Baltimore and an additional irony is that her brother, Thomas D’Alesandro III passed away last week. Nancy’s brother was once Mayor of Baltimore, as was her father.

May he rest in peace.


Giggle of the week

7 posted on 10/27/2019 5:10:07 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: Alas Babylon!
One man miraculously winning an election has knocked Humpty Dumpty off the wall and all of the Kings Horses and all of the Kings spokesmen are not putting him together again.


Simply as good as it gets. You explained what is going on and how it all evolved eloquently. DJT is the first challenge to the the driveby media and the cabal ever.He is the only President who has had the guts to take them on and almost making it look easy he does it so smoothly.


Since the fires in CAlif. and the electric company shutting off the lights is big news perhaps its time someone explained what exactly is going on since none of the fake newsers are capable of it. If anyone knows what is happening it would be you,if yo don't mind give us a birds eye view of what happened why and where its all going.

9 posted on 10/27/2019 5:25:38 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray

Most excellent post, bray.

You sure nailed the Swamp of Corruption perfectly.

Thank you so much for all the wise words of wisdom each Sunday.

Sure look forward to reading every Sunday.

38 posted on 10/27/2019 6:04:55 AM PDT by Lakeside Granny ( God's Word says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." Jeremiah 1:5))
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray


42 posted on 10/27/2019 6:14:39 AM PDT by combat_boots (TGod bless Israel and all who protect and defend her! Merry Christmas! In God We Trust! Hi)
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To: bray

Excellent summary detailing of the mission Trump is on and the fear of the swamp at all levels to an honest man

His current presser shows he has no fear as he talks with no prompter , notes , and adeptly skewers the pillars with his quick one liners while moving on to the main point of his topics

82 posted on 10/27/2019 7:06:36 AM PDT by patriotspride
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