“Wood was also required to complete a work sheet on the growth of Islam, the beliefs and practices, and the links between Islam, Judaism and Christianity. A fill-in-the-blank section included the statement: There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, a portion of an Islamic declaration of faith known as the shahada.”
. . .
“Wood received a lower grade for the lesson, but it did not affect her final grade, filings show.”
. . .
“...students were not required to memorize the shahada, to recite it, or even to write the complete statement of faith, according to the ruling.”
It’s good to know something about other religions, but when I was a high school student, we never had to get into the minutiae of each religion’s statement of faith, etc.
Thank you for clarifying what Whirled Nut Daily omitted.
So which was it? Was she required to recite it or not?
The first line says she was and when she didn't, she got a lower grade for the assignment.
The second line says she wasn't required to recite it.
Besides, the fact that it did not overall affect her grade is not the issue. It's not about her grade. It's about her compromising everything she believes in.
Hmm, would have desposed the local imam or the imam where this puke tripe teacher drew the information from, and asked him under oath if writing out the shithada would count as a full-fledged shithada, say, in the instance the postulate was mute?
Surely it is; and then if it is, it is indeed a violation of the Establishment Clause.
I wonder if the student could have written the answer with quotation mark and in brackets put down [I don’t believe this, but this is what you are looking for.]
Also, Muslims say that prophets can not lie.... Mohammed called Jesus a prophet. May we study what Jesus said and have some questions about that in our next text?
We went decades after Miller before we got a Second Amendment ruling, in part because (so I heard) the Justices wanted the RIGHT CASE. It worked. We gun rights enthusiasts have a similar debate on getting a concealed-carry case before the SCOTUS. While I'd love national reciprocity, I'm ok with the strong States Rights we have today vs risking a losing case with the uncertainty of Roberts.
If this really was not a rock-solid Establishment case then maybe it is best in the long run to take a pass. Similarly, if RBG or another leftist leaves and we get an originalist Justice, then such cases may be brought forward.
This doesn't mean I love forced conversion or proselytizing. But Our Lord reminds us we will have Crosses to bear; hopefully this child's stance has a ripple effect greater than a SCOTUS case.
By saying or writing that phrase, you are converting to Islam, per Islamic rules. So if she said or wrote the phrase, and then recanted, she would be subject to death, again by Islamic rules.
Further, if a Justice on the Supreme Court said or wrote the phrase three times in their, that judge (or judges) would have converted to Islam, according to Islamic law. Same with the lawyers, and obviously the teacher has already converted.
In its ruling, the court considered the schools broad world history curriculum rather than examining each potentially problematic statement. If judges found violations every time that a student or parent thought that a single statement by a teacher either advanced or disapproved of a religion, instruction in our public schools would be reduced to the lowest common denominator,
is faulty, since a "single statement" can violate the fundamental teachings of Judeo-Christianity. Opinions of Christianity by any state agency should indeed "be reduced to the lowest common denominator" through some unbiased arbitrator.
In this case, "the schools content specialist had testified that the language included in the slide about the strength of the Muslim faith relative to Christianity was inappropriate and that he would have advised the teacher not to include it in the lesson."
I remember when teaching world history,one of the suggested questions for the chapter test on Christianity was, “Jesus was the son of God.” I used some of the question just tweaked it to read “Jesus is the Son of God.