The damned teacher needs to be WarmTar & Feathered in the School parking lot then ... if I say anymore Ill be Banned forever from FR.
I am so going to Home School the newest Grandson. Hes already smarter than the public scrool teachers and their corrupt curriculum at 2.5 years old.
Funny you mentioned it:
I got my first Facebook spanking today for insulting ISIS! At least I died onto the Gatling gun I was using. Used up the whole can. No prisoners!
I think a lot of my fellow Americans who said, Never forget, forgot.
Good for you. You save one among the many thousands the conservatives don’t care about and they vote. And we wonder why our education system is what it is as well as every other institution in our country.
This is how to minimize the negatives of public schools to our kids, grand kids and other young relatives:
I am so going to Home School the newest Grandson. Hes already smarter than the public scrool teachers and their corrupt curriculum at 2.5 years old.